His loves compels us


2 Cor 5:13-15 His loves compels us
Sometimes we face severe persecution or death when we receive and preach the gospel. But lots of Christians died for Jesus. Why ? Is it because Jesus was a good politician or a good teacher ? Or is it because he gave a lot of money to the people ? Many Christians died for Jesus even though they did not receive money, even though they did not see Jesus physically. Why ? Is it because they indulged in the religious fantasy ?
Napoleon said before he died, "I tried to conquer the world by gun and sword. But I failed. Nobody wants to die for me at this moment. But people die for Jesus. Why ? What did Jesus give to them ?"
Brothers and sisters, some of you think you can die for Jesus. Why ? In a word, 'His love', isn't it ? You and I have experienced his love by the Holy Spirit. That's why we can die for Jesus. And his love has compelled us to live for Jesus' sake even in this foreign land.
Why does Jesus love us ? Animals and parents love their children. Why ? It's their instinct that God has given to them. Likewise God loves us because God's instinct is love. God so loved us that he gave his only Son Jesus. And Jesus so loved us that he gave his life to us. But Peter did not realized Jesus' love even though he had followed Jesus for three and half years.
After Jesus was resurrected, Jesus came to Peter, and prepared a fire of burning coals with fish on it, and some bread. They had breakfast in the seashore of Galilee. And Jesus said to Peter, "Son of John, do you love me unconditionally ?" Peter answered, "I love you, but conditionally." This answer is the common and honest answer of everyone. Human love is conditional even though its love is noblest. But Jesus said again, "Son of John, do you love me unconditionally ?"
No one can answer to this question, "Yes, I love you unconditionally." Even the Peter's love toward Jesus was conditional. Jesus knew that love of Peter and humans is conditional. But by this question Jesus wanted Peter to know that his love toward Peter is conditional. And this question means, "Peter, I will love you unconditionally even though you will love me conditionally, even though you will disown me again."
Nobody can separate us from the love of Jesus because his love toward us is unconditional. Paul said, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ ? Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any power, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."(Rom 8:35, 38-39)
Jesus loves us persistently even though we disown him like Peter. Jesus wanted to encourage Peter with his unconditional love. And by his unconditional love Peter could feed the lambs of Jesus and he could take care of the sheep of Jesus. That is, Jesus's love compelled Peter to do that.
Furthermore Peter did not worry even though Jesus foretold Peter's martyrdom, saying, "When you were younger, you dressed yourself and went where you wanted ; but when you are old, you will stretch our your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go."
It's not because Peter was a bold man but because Peter knew that Jesus' love would compel him. Lots of Christians died for Jesus. Why ? It was not because of the human courage nor human conditional love, but because of Jesus' unconditional love. How can we overcome the world without his unconditional love ? How can we live in this foreign land without his unconditional love ? In this world we experience betrayal and hurt from others. But we rise again and again. We rejoice again and again. It's because his unconditional love compels us.
Brothers and sisters, don't forget. If you fall down, Jesus will raise you up again and again. Why ? It's because Jesus loves you unconditionally. Therefore don't be depressed. Be courageous. You are loved unconditionally by Jesus. You are happy men and women not because you have much money but because you are loved unconditionally by Jesus.
God promised to love you unconditionally. But if you ignore his precious love, if you think 'I can be happy without his love.', if you miss the chance to be loved by him, it is a big tragedy. If we lose his unconditional love, it means we lose everything. But if we have his unconditional love, we can recover everything. Today his love compels us so that we can be happy, we can be healed, we can be winners. Amen !