There is no other way but prayer


Mark 9:14-29 There is no other way but prayer
What is the solution when you face the terrible problems, terrible persons. If you say, "There is no other way but prayer.", it is the correct answer biblically. Furthermore if you pray earnestly, your future will be full of hope. But if you say, "Does prayer work ? I don't think so.", it is the wrong answer according to the bible. Furthermore if you stop praying, your future will be full of darkness.
In today's scripture we can see a boy possessed by a spirit. His parent did their best to cure him. But they failed. Neighbours often said, "That boy is terribly bad." When the parent heard that, they were very angry and they worried about that. One day they heard, "If you have a problem child, go to Jesus. He will cure your child." So they went to Jesus. But Jesus was not there because he went to a high mountain to pray with his disciples Peter, John and James.
So the father of the boy asked the other disciples, "Please drive out the spirit from my son." "What's wrong with him ? He looks good." "Yes, he looks good. But he is possessed by a spirit. Whenever the spirit seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. Please help me. Heal my son." But the disciples could not heal him. They argued with each others and with the teachers of the law.
At that moment Jesus came down from the mountain and said, "Bring the boy to me." So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this ?" He said, "From childhood. Please help me."
Jesus rebuked the evil spirit, "You deaf and mute spirit. I command you, come out of him and never enter him again." The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and come out. The crowd said, "He's dead !" But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up. After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, "Why couldn't we drive out ?" Jesus replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer."
Brothers and sisters, how can you solve your problems ? If you answer, "There is no other way but prayer.", and if you pray earnestly, your future will be full of hope. But if you answer, "Does prayer work ? I don't think so.", and if you give up praying, your future will be full of darkness. Today's scripture obviously says, "This kind can come out only by prayer." That is, there is no other way but prayer to solve your problems.
Someone says, "Oh, I don't need to pray, because I have no problem." But someday you will face some problems. At that time remember this words, "This kind can come out only by prayer." In the last times, demons try to steal, kill and destroy us. If you realize the importance of prayer and pray with your whole heart, you are the blessed persons. But if you do not realize the importance of prayer, you have to shout today's scripture, "This kind can come out only by prayer."
Maybe you can think "I will use other solutions than prayer." But don't forget even clever persons than you prayed hard at that time. And Jesus the Son of God prayed at that time. And Jesus asked us to pray and said, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."
Are you in temptation now ? Do you have a big problem now ? Do you often fall into temptation ? Are you stressful now ? The obvious reason is that you have failed in praying. But if you succeed in praying, you can overcome the problems, and you can sing a song of joy, and you can shout, "I am happy !" In other words, your happiness and unhappiness depends on prayer. If you pray hard, you will feel happy even though you have many problems. But if you do not pray, you will often feel unhappy and terrible even though you have lots of things that you have to thank.
The best way of making you and your family happy is prayer. If you pray, faith hope and love will spring up, and you can hear the voice of God, and you can realize the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. The devil also knows this fact. So he says, "Do whatever you want. But do not pray. If you pray much, you are fanatic. God knows everything. So you don't need to pray."
If you hear this voice, say resolutely, "You Satan go away from me !" And pray to God, "Lord give me the spirit of prayer. Let me pray for all my life !" My beloved, I believe our church is a good church, because our church is the church of prayer. We pray earnestly so that miracles will happen and problems will be solved. It is not because we are very nice peoples, but because God hears our prayer.
This foreign land requires us to pray much more than in Korea. If you neglect praying, you will regret later. God does not guarantee those who do not pray. But if we are eager to pray, the blessing of God will be given to us even in this foreign land. Therefore let's pray earnestly. Lets's make our church the church of prayer, so that we may receive the blessing of God. I hope the kingdom of God to be enlarged by our prayer even in this foreign land. Amen !