Lord, thank you !


1 Thess 5:18 Lord, thank you !
There was a patient who had a tongue cancer in Germany. The doctor told him to say a last word before his tongue was amputated. Then the patient thought deeply. The others around him paid all attention to him. Tears ran down his cheeks. And he said, "Lord, thank !"
My beloved, let me ask you a question. If you were in that situation, what word would you say ? When I read this story, I thought deeply, "If I were in that situation, could I confess 'Lord, thank you !' like the patient ?" I prayed, "Lord, let me be able to say, "Lord, thank you !' even in this kind of situation."
Brothers and sisters, even animals can thank in good situation. If we give some food to the dogs or cats, they express their thankful feeling to us. But there are not many who thank in the bad situation. But today's scripture says, "Give thanks in all circumstances." The Greek word 'en panti' means 'in all circumstances'. That means we have to thank in all circumstances even when it goes bad. The words 'give thanks in all circumstances' does not mean 'conditional thank' but 'unconditional thank'.
Let me tell you another story. There was a woman who had two sons. One was a straw shoes peddler, and the other son was a umbrella peddler. The woman was always sad and the family atmosphere was always sorrowful. Why ? Because when it rained, the woman worried about the business of the son, straw shoes peddler. On the contrary, when it was sunny, the woman worried about the business of another son, umbrella peddler.
One day her neighbor advised her, "Dear, don't worry about the business of your sons. Just think it contrarily ! When it rains, think and thank that the business of the son, umbrella peddler will be good. And when it is sunny, think and thank that the business of the son, straw shoes peddler will be good." After all, the woman changed her mind and she could thank in all circumstances. And that attitude made her family happy.
Brothers and sisters, here are many unmarried young men and women. If you want to get married, who do you want to get married with ? Thankful person in any circumstances or complaining person in any circumstances ? If you are an owner or manager, who do you want to hire ? Thankful man or complaining man ? If you were God, who do you want to bless ? Thankful person or complaining person ?
Let me tell you a story. There were a hot spring and a cold spring together in the village in Mexico. It was really nice for washing and cleaning. Tourists said to the tour guide, "How thankful the villagers are !. We think they always give thanks to the Lord, don't they ?" But the tour guide answered, "No, they always complain because washing soap does not spring up."
Brothers and sisters, complaining attitude does not please God. God wants the men of thanks in all circumstances. Let me tell you another story. There was an old man who believed in God faithfully. He always said, "Lord, thank !" So people named him 'thankful old man'. One day he bought a half kg of beef. But on the way home he tumbled over a stone and he dropped the beef from his hand.
At that moment a dog held it in his mouth and ran away. The old man looked at the dog and said, "Lord, thank you !" A young man who was passing by saw this scene and asked him, "Why do you thank God ?" The old man answered, I lost the beef. But I did not lose my appetite. That's why I thank God." And then he sang to God, "Lord, thank you !"
My beloved, have you lost something important ? Like money, honor, health, your beloved one, or something very important ? If you give thanks to the Lord in this situation, you are the great persons, happy persons, beautiful Christians. I want all of us to say, 'Lord, thank you !' in any circumstances.