Here are the temperature ranges for Calgary:
Hours of High Low
Month Sunshine C F C F
January 57 -5.3 23 -14.9 5
February 99 -0.1 32 -11.3 13
March 131 3.8 40 -7.9 18
April 155 9.0 49 -2.8 27
May 197 14.2 57 1.5 34
June 197 18.7 66 5.4 42
July 259 22.1 71 7.4 45
August 211 21.6 70 6.8 44
September 167 16.1 60 2.7 38
October 126 10.1 50 -1.1 31
November 81 0.5 32 -8.2 18
December 44 -5.3 23 -13.8 7
출처 http://www.foundlocally.com/calgary/Local/Info-CityInfo.htm