개정이민법...하원의 권고안에 대한 답변


Recommendation 1

All skilled worker applications received before December 31, 2001 should be processed under the existing selection criteria until March 31,

2003. 2001년 12월 31일 이전까지 접수한 모든 신청자는 2003년 3월 31일까지 현행법에 의해 심사를 한다.

The Government shares the concerns expressed by the Committee regarding the fair and equitable treatment of skilled worker applicants. The Government is changing the retroactivity dates to reflect the Committee's recommendation but acknowledges that not all skilled worker applications received before December 31, 2001 will be processed by March 31, 2003. The Government believes its changes will address major concerns and further enhance the fairness and treatment of skilled worker applicants currently in the system. The Government is making the following changes: -For those applicants who applied before December 31, 2001 and who have not had their application assessed by an immigration officer by March 31, 2003, will be assessed under the new selection grid with a transition pass mark of 70;

기존 신청자들에 대해 최대한 현행법에 의해 심사가 이루어지도록 하기 개정법의 소급일을 수정하였다. / 2001년 12월31일 이전 신청을 하고 2003년 3월31일까지 이민관에 의해 심사를 받지 못한 경우는 신법에 의해서 심사가 되데 passmark 70점을 적용 받는다.

For those applicants who applied before December 31, 2001 and who have had their application assessed, but no final decision made by March 31, 2003, will be assessed under the previous selection grid and the previous pass mark.

2001년 12월 31일 이전 신청을 하고 2003년 3월 31일까지 심사(인터뷰 면제 또는 인터뷰 통과)를 받았지만 최종확정을 받지 못한 경우는 구법에 의해서 수속이 진행된다.

Recommendation 3

Staff at each post with a significant skilled worker inventory should reassess their general policies regarding personal interviews -- when are they essential and when can they be waived.

각 대사관/영사관 이민담당자들은 독립이민 신청자들의 인터뷰면제 유무를 재평가 한다.

The selection program currently operates in this way; in many instances the need for a personal interview is waived. In addition, the new selection grid is more objective because of the elimination of the General Occupations List and the replacement of subjective personal suitability factors with objective adaptability factors. These changes make the entire selection process easier and quicker. In addition, under the new system, applicants will be required to submit proof of language ability; immigration officers will not conduct language assessment tests. Of course, at all times, careful consideration of applications is required to guard against possible fraud and ensure security is not compromised.

기존의 법도 인터뷰 면제를 주기 위한 시스템으로 운영이 되고 있다. 개정이민법은 GOL의 삭제와 적응력 항목이 명확한 점수로 평가될 수 있도록 구체적인 내용들을 제시하고 있고, 이민관이 신청인의 영어능력을 평가하는 것이 아니라 신청인이 자신의 영어능력에 대한 근거를 제시하도록 하고 있으므로 이런 변화들로 인해 기존법 보다 더 빠르고 간편한 심사가 진행될 것이다.

Recommendation 6

The requirement that an applicant complete a specified total number of years of study when assessing educational credentials should be eliminated.

교육항목의 심사시 요구되던 구체적인 총 학업연한에 대한 내용은 삭제되어야 한다.

The Government has reduced the number of years of education required with a degree or certificate. The Government requires a specific number of years of education in order to ensure a minimum standard is met for each credential. This provision in the regulations will also protect the integrity of the immigration program by guarding against fraud by schools that could issue diplomas and certificates without the requirement for a specific period of study.

개정법에서 제시했던 학위 취득을 위한 교육연한을 줄였다. 하지만 어떤 교육을 마치기 위해서 필요한 기본적인 교육연한은 필요하기 때문에 일정의 교육연한에 대한 규정은 두었다. 또 이런 최소한의 교육연한에 대한 기준이 실제 교육을 받지 않고 허위로 발급될 수 있는 학위 내지는 교육이수증명서 등에 대한 폐단을 방지 할 수 있습니다.

Recommendation 7

Fifteen points should be awarded for diplomas, trade certificates and apprenticeships that require one or two years of full-time studies, and an additional five points should be awarded to applicants in this group who have a high school diploma.

1~2년간의 교육이 필요한 디플로마, 전문교육수료증, 도제과정수료에도 학력점수 15점을 부여한다.

The Government agrees with the need to allocate more points for those with diplomas, trade certificates and apprenticeships that require one or two years of full-time studies. Under the new grid 12 points will be allocated for a trade certificate and 12 years of education; 15 points for those with a one-year trade certificate and 13 years of education; and 20 points for those with a two-year trade certificate and 14 years of education. The Government believes that this revised point system better recognizes the skilled trades, maintains the emphasis on years of education and ensures the integrity of the immigration selection system.

의회의 권고안에 동의하여 개정법에서는 12년의 교육과 전문교육수료증이 있는 경우 12점을, 13년의 교육과 1년의 전문교육수료증이 있는 경우 15점을, 14년 교육과 2년의 전문교육수료증이 있는 경우 20점을 부여합니다.

Recommendation 8

An applicant with two or more undergraduate degrees should be awarded 25 points under the education criterion.

두개 이상의 학사학위가 있는 경우 학력부문에서 25점을 부여한다.

The Government agrees with the need to better recognize applicants with two or more undergraduate degrees. Under the new regulations a maximum of 22 points will be allocated to applicants with two or more undergraduate degrees.

두개이상의 학사학위를 갖고 있는 신청자들에게 학력부문에서 22점을 부여한다.

Recommendation 9

"Full-time" in relation to studies or training should be defined as at least 12 hours of instruction per week, and should include co-op programs.

학력부문에서 Full-time으로 정의한 내용을 주당 최소 12시간이상으로 규정하고 Co-op 프로그램도 인정한다.

The Government agrees that co-op programs should be counted as full-time studies and this change will be reflected in the new regulations. Full-time studies or training will continue to be defined as 15 hours, during the academic year. In the Government's opinion, the Committee's recommendation of 12 hours would be considered part-time.

Co-op 프로그램은 full-time 교육으로 인정하되, full-time 교육은 학기중 주당 15시간 이상 교육으로 정의한다.

Recommendation 11

Twelve points should be awarded for moderate proficiency and four points should be awarded for basic proficiency in the applicant's first official language.

영어능력이 Moderate proficiency 인 경우 12점을, Basic proficiency인 경우 4점을 부여한다

A maximum of two points in each of the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, and understanding) will be allocated under the selection grid for moderate proficiency and a maximum of two points for basic proficiency in either official language. Research clearly shows that language ability is a key determinant of successful integration into the Canadian labour market, as measured by employment earnings.

Moderate proficiency 인 경우 읽기, 쓰기, 말하고 이해하기의 각 부분별 2점씩이 배점되어 최대 8점을 받을 수 있다.

Recommendation 12

The points awarded for high proficiency in the applicant's second official language should be increased to eight, the points awarded for moderate proficiency should be increased to six and four points should be awarded for a basic proficiency in the second official language. The maximum total points available for language skills should remain at 20 with additional points being available under the adaptability criterion when an applicant has a high proficiency in both official languages.

불어능력부문의 점수를 최대 8점까지 부여한다.

The Government is making changes to the selection grid to recognize proficiency in a second language. A maximum of 2 points will be allocated for high or moderate proficiency in each skill in a second language. A fourth assessment level, basic proficiency, is being added to the language factor (in addition to high proficiency, moderate proficiency, and no proficiency). Up to a maximum of two points will be awarded for basic proficiency in either official language. Regarding the language factor and maximum number of points, the Government believes that language issues should stay under one selection factor. The maximum number of points for language has been increased to 24.

불어능력부문의 점수를 Maximum 8점으로 변경하고 영어와 불어를 합한 전체 언어능력의 점수를 24점으로 늘린다.

Recommendation 13

Ten points should be awarded for applicants between 21 and 50 years of age, with a decrease of two points for each year younger or older.

21세~50세까지의 신청자들에게 나이부문의 만점 10점을 부여하고 그 이상 및 이하인 경우 매년2점씩 감점한다.

The Government is changing the upper age range of the age factor; applicants will receive ten points up until they reach the age of 50. Beginning at age 50, two points will be deducted for each year beyond that age. The Government believes this will assist older skilled worker applicants to qualify under the selection criteria.

21세 이상 50세 미만의 신청자들은 10점을 부여받고 50세부터 1년에 2점씩 감점이 이루어진다

Recommendation 15

The maximum points available for adaptability should be increased from 10 to 15.

적응력부문의 최대점수를 15점으로 한다.

Research has shown that education, language ability, and previous work experience, are of greatest importance to successful establishment in Canada. With a total of 100 points, the adaptability factor will remain at 10 points.

교육, 언어능력, 그리고 경력이 캐나다에의 성공정인 정착을 위해 가장 중요한 요인이라는 조사에 의거, 심사 총 점수는 100점으로 하고 적응력항목의 최대 배점은 10점으로 한다.

Recommendation 16

Five points should be awarded under adaptability for those who do not have arranged employment in Canada but who would otherwise meet the requirements of special sectoral agreements, such as the pilot project for software professionals.

공식적인 고용이 이루어지지는 않았으나 Pilot Project 등과 같이 특별취업프로그램에 대한 조건에 부합하는 사람에게 5점을 부여한다.

The Government has decided instead to provide more opportunity for points to be allocated for arranged employment. Under the new selection grid, 10 points will be allocated to assist those applicants from within Canada who are holding a temporary work permit that is validation exempt under NAFTA, General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA). The existing provision to assist those applicants in Canada with a temporary work permit that is validated by HRDC will remain with an allocation of 10 points. The Government will also award five points under the Adaptability Factor to those applicants who have received points under the Arranged Employment Factor. The Arranged Employment and Adaptability factors will remain with a maximum of 10 points each.

개정법에서는 단기취업비자를 갖고 신청한 경우 10점을 부여하고, NAFTA, GATS, CCFTA등과 같이 HRDC의 승인이 필요 없는 취업허가에 대해서도 10점을 부여한다. 또한 이 Arranged Employment 항목에서 점수를 받은 사람은 적응력항목에서 추가로 5점이 다시 부여된다.

Recommendation 17

Seven points should be awarded under adaptability for those who can satisfy an immigration officer that they intend to settle in a region of low immigration. This should be monitored for effectiveness on an ongoing basis.

대도시가 아닌 이민자 정착 희소지역으로 정착을 하고자 하는 신청자들에게 7점을 부여한다.

The Government recognizes the benefit of encouraging applicants to settle in regions of low immigration. This recommendation requires further study and consultation. The Government is committed to discussing this issue with provinces and territories at its fall meeting of Ministers responsible for Immigration.

이 항목에 대해서는 추가 조사가 필요하며 주정부이민국과 연방이민국의 차후 논의를 거쳐 결정한다.

Recommendation 21

Following the adjustment of the selection system criteria as the Committee has recommended, the pass mark should be set at 70 points.

독립이민 Pass mark를 70점으로 조정한다.

The Government is sensitive to concerns raised by provinces and territories, stakeholders, and Committee members regarding the pass mark. The Government lowered the pass mark for those applicants in the transition period. After careful consideration, the final pass mark for the selection grid will be 75 points.

과도기의 신청자들을 위해 pass mark를 낮추었고, 개정법의 최종 pass mark는 75점이 될 것이다.

*출처 http://www.iminok.com/contents/guide/0621_04.asp