Don't worry. It will be a blessing.


James 1:2-4 Don't worry. It will be a blessing.
Last Tuesday I watched the Canadian TV about Korea economy for about 15 minutes. It told that Korea faced IMF crisis, but they overcame it. The crisis was turned to a blessing to Korea. When I watched TV, I was very proud of my country and my people. As you know, when we faced IMF crisis, we were totally embarrassed, and we complained against our leaders, and we worried about our future. But we overcame it very rapidly. The structure of Korea economy became stronger because of IMF crisis.
Brothers and sisters, we face a lot of big problems and small problems in our life. When we face it, we usually complain and get angry, or feel stressful. And this bad attitude makes our life worse and worse. But if we know that our problems will be blessings in the future, we can thank God, and this good attitude makes our life happy.
My beloved, do you know 'SeOngZeeMa' in Chinese word ? Long ago there was an old man in the northern territory of China. One day his horse ran away to the territory of the enemy country. The villagers said to him, "How sad you are !" But the old man answered, "Who knows that it will be a blessing ?"
After some months, the horse came back home with the enemy's noble horse. The villagers congratulated him about that. But when the son of the old man tried the noble horse, he fell down from the horse, so that his leg was broken. The villagers said to the old man, "How sad you are !" But he replied, "Who knows that it will be a blessing ?"
One year later, enemy army invaded the northern territory of the China, so that all of the young men were mobilized and all of them were killed in the battlefield. But the son of the old man was safe because his leg was broken. That is, our present misfortune is turned to a blessing in the future. Therefore do not worry about your present misfortune, but thank God.
Maybe you can say, "Pastor Kim, my present problem is too bad. I think it has no chance of turning to a blessing." But if you know the power of God and the love of God toward you, you will know that there is nothing that will not be turned to a blessing from a misfortune.
If you are sick, the healing Jesus makes you more healthy. If you are poor, the blessing Jesus makes you richer. If death comes to you, the Lord of life Jesus gives you an everlasting life. If the devil destructs your family, Jesus constructs your family more healthy. Therefore the bible says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds."(James 1:2) "Your grief will turn to joy."(John 16:20)
Talmud tells this story. A rabbi was travelling. He had a donkey, a rooster, a lamp and a tent. When it was dark, he pitched the tent and was about to set the lamp to read the bible. But a sudden wind blew out the lamp. So he went to the bed early with complaints. Next morning he found that his donkey and rooster were killed by the wild animals. He complained again.
But when he arrived the nearest village, he realized that the villager was attacked by the bunch of the robbers, and all of the villagers were killed by them. He thought if the lamp was not blown out, if the rooster and donkey were not killed but cried on and on, the robbers would attack him and he would be killed. But the robber could not find him because the lamp was blown out and the rooster and the donkey did not cry. The rabbi thanked God.
Let's see the Israelites. When they were in the foreign land Egypt, a new king oppressed them with forced labor. But the bible says, "The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread."(Exo 1:12) And the Israelites prayed to God for help because of the oppression. And it became the good opportunity for them to come out of Egypt.
I have also experienced many times that the misfortunes were changed to the blessings. I failed in the entrance exam for the commercial high school. But it turned to the blessing that I could go to the college. I also failed in the entrance exam for the department of gardening in the college. But it turned to the blessing that I could enter the English department of the college. I also failed in the entrance exam for the bible college. But it became a good opportunity for me to receive the power from God by much prayer. And I know many problems were turned to blessings in my life.
In the last days, the devil tries to destruct our family and our church with his all power. But if we trust in God to the end, the plan of the devil will be turned to a good opportunity for us to receive much more blessings from God. Therefore don't worry. It will be a blessing. Don't doubt about God's power. God gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.(Rom 4:17)
Of course, you may feel hard because of the present problems. But shout, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."(Rom 8:18) Today God says to us, "Don't worry. It will be a blessing !" Amen !