세금보고 4월 30일까지 완료해야... & 빠뜨리기 쉬운 Tax Credits


운영자 입니다.

세금보고 다들 하셨나요? 저는 올해 Canada Customs and Revenue Agency 웹사이트의 NetFile을 통해 마쳤습니다. 10일 만에 정확하게 환급을 받을 수 있었습니다.

2002년 세금보고는 올해 4월 30일까지 완료해야 과태료(late penalties)를 면할 수 있다. 그러나 시간이 임박해 급히 서두르면 세금을 절약할 수 있는 항목들을 빠뜨릴 수도 있다.

아래는 CFCN뉴스에 실린 기사의 일부로서 "사람들이 종종 간과하여 세금 절약을 하지 못하는 사례들"입니다.

There are also several tax credits people often miss. Moving expenses are tax deductible and are often overlooked.

  • Real estate commissions, legal fees and appraisal fees can be deducted. Expenses incurred during the move like hotel costs may also be written off.
  • Charitable donations made by spouses are often missed. Tax rules say for the first $200 donated to charity, the tax credit received is calculated at a rate of 16 per cent. But any donations above $200 are calculated at a higher rate of 29 per cent. So, if a husband and wife each claim $200 worth of donations on their returns, they will end up with a smaller credit than if one of them claimed the full $400 on one return.
  • Interest paid on student loans can also be written off.
  • Senior citizens get special tax credits. They are entitled to certain credits such as the pension income amount and the age amount.
  • CCRA rules also let you amend returns filed as far back as 1985.
    But you are limited to only one revision for a particular year's return, you must have documents to back up your adjustment and you must file your adjustment by mail, not electronically.

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