Post-Graduation Work Permits:
전문대학이나 종합대학의 정규과정 등을 마치고 학업과 관련된 분야에서 일하기를 희망할 경우 최대 1년까지 취업비자를 받아 일할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 되는데 다음 사항을 만족시켜야 합니다.
* 전문대학, 대학 CEGEP, 정부가 운영하는 기술학교 등에서 풀 타임으로 재학 중이어야 한다.
* 고용주로부터 잡어퍼가 있어야 하며 캐나다에서 공부한 과정과 관련 분야의 취업 이어야 한다. (하지만, 이 잡어퍼는 연방노동청(HRDC)의 승인을 필요로 하지 않는다.)
* 졸업 90일 이내에 취업비자를 신청해야 한다.
* 취업비자 신청 시 반드시 유효한 학생비자를 가지고 있어야 한다.
Post-Graduation Work Permit Extensions
Currently, after graduating from a post-secondary institution in Canada, international students may apply for a work permit which allows them to work in a job related to their field of study for up to one year. Under the post-graduation work permit extension pilot project, students can renew their work permits for an additional year. This will allow them to work for a total of two years in Canada after graduation. Work permits issued under this program will not need Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) confirmation. Students must compete in the Canadian labour market and find a job on their own.
Students are eligible if they:
work provisions;
post-secondary institution in the participating province.
Students are ineligible if they:
Scholarship Program, the Government of Canada Awards Program funded by
Foreign Affairs Canada, or the Canadian International Development Agency.
캘거리대학교 International Student Centre
Recent Alberta graduates can apply for permission to work in Canada for two years after graduation. (The extension from one year to two years is a 3-year pilot project for Alberta graduates that came into effective January 1, 2004) Students must work for employers in Alberta for both years of the work term. This is an opportunity for the student to gain Canadian work experience before returning to their home country. The work must be in an area related to the graduating student's field of study. To be eligible for this work experience the student must begin work within 90 days of issuance of Notification of Graduation from the university. The 90-day time period begins the day the student's final grades become official. In cases where the final graduation requirement is a thesis, the 90-day period will start when you have defended and the final draft of the thesis has been accepted.
NOTE: the 90-day time period is NOT calculated from the Convocation date or the expiry date of the Study Permit.