Why do I believe in Jesus?


Why do I believe in Jesus?
John 16:5-7
The day before yesterday, An young man asked me a question in my dream. "Why do you believe in Jesus?" I answered, "Hmm... Because Jesus died for me on the cross." But the young man was not satisfied with my answer.
Next day, in the early morning prayer meeting, I asked myself, "Why wasn't the young man satisfied with my answer?" I tried to find the reason why the young man was not satisfied. I thought, "Right, my answer might have been hard for him to understand!'
My dear brothers and sisters, think of my answer. When I answered, "I believe in Jesus because Jesus died for me.", the young man might have thought, "Even Yoo Kwan Soon died for Korean independence. Doesn't that mean she died for us too. Why do you not believe in Yoo Kwan Soon, who is Korean, and instead of believe in Jesus who is from another country? If your father died for you, will you believe in your father? How about if I die for you, will you believe in me as your god? Therefore that answer is no good."
As I thought of this, I understood why the young man was not satisfied with my answer. And I thought there could be people here like the young man. Therefore I feel the need to explain more about the reason that I believe in Jesus.
As you know, all the descendants of Adam are sinners. There is no righteous man in human history. And the sinners have to be punished in every nation. If someone commits extremely serious sin like betrayal, he will face a death penalty.
The sin that our ancestor Adam committed is not only stealing a fruit. If his sin was only stealing a fruit, a death penalty for Adam is too much. And that would mean God is very hard and narrow-minded. If the penalty for stealing a fruit is death, lots of people will die. Interpreting the bible like this is the way of anti-Christians.
The meaning of eating the fruit of the good and evil is that Adam will be against God for good and evil. God will say, "That is good.", and Adam will say, "That is evil." If God will say, "That is right.", and Adam will say, "That is wrong." Furthermore Adam will judge God the Creator as a sinner. That is betrayal.
When Adam the manager of the universe betrayed God, the order of universe was broken. In result, Adam lost the eternal life and peace, and the garden of Eden became full of thistles and thorns. People tried to remove the thistles and thorns, and they tried to make the earth happy with religions, ideas and science, but they failed. Then earth is still filled with thistles and thorns.
Human tried to make the way to God with their ideas and religions. But their way did not help them reach God. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(John 14:6) This means we can only meet God through Jesus. We can go to the kingdom of heaven through Jesus.
Non-Christians may be doubtful and ask us, "Have you met God through Jesus?" What's your answer at this question? I can answer, "Yes, I met God through Jesus." How can I prove this? Jesus told his disciples before he died on the cross,
"Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."(John 16:5-7)
These verses are hard for some people to understand. Even the disciples of Jesus could not understand these verses until they received Holy Spirit on the pentecostal day. But those who received the Holy Spirit can understand easily.
Peter said, "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy."(Acts 2:17-18)
This means Jesus will send the Holy Spirit(Jesus's Spirit or God's Spirit) to us after his ascending to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus promised, "For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."(Acts 1:5)
As you know, our God is the trinity God. That means God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is One. So if we receive the Holy Spirit, that means God and Jesus is in us. And the promised Holy Spirit proves Jesus' death, Jesus' resurrection and Jesus' ascent.
Furthermore, the Holy Spirit lets us understand that Jesus died for us, he saved us from all the curses so we could become blessed. This blessing is not by our deed, nor by money, but by only believing in Jesus. So why should we not believe in Jesus?
Let's think. Today people like money very much. Of course, people in the past liked money too. But the bible tells us that in the last days, people give up even God and their parents because of money. In the past, people said, "We cannot buy love with money." But lots of people today say, "We can buy even love with money." This means the power of money is getting stronger.
Let me ask you a question. How much money do you want to have? Are you satisfied with 100 millions dollars? I will give it to you. But under only one condition. It is not hard. Just believe in Jesus. Why wouldn't people not believe in Jesus if they could earn 100 million dollars? But they don't. Why? Because they doubt. They say, "Will you really give me 100 million dollars if I believe in Jesus?"
My dear brothers and sisters, If we believe in Jesus, God will be in our heart and God will give us real peace and joy, and he will provide us the money we need to live. If you believe this, say amen. But non-Christians will say, "Pastor, how can I know we can get real peace and joy when I believe in Jesus? And will you really give me 100 million dollars when I believe in Jesus? Give me first the 100 million dollars, then I will believe in Jesus."
At that moment, God says, "Believe in Jesus first, then I will give it to you." But people answer, "Give me 100 the million dollars first, then I will believe in Jesus." I think many people here have experienced this while believing in Jesus. "God, solve my problem first, heal my disease first, give me a good job first, give me a good boyfriend first, then I will believe in you."
But this kind of immature action will stop some day. Why? Because they have realized that God has given them more precious things than 100 million dollars. God has given us the universe. And th universe is much more than 100 million dollars. Isn't it?
After I finished serving in the army, I prayed to God for a good job, good spouse.... and then I heard God's voice, "I have given you all." How happy I was when I heard this voice! God's voice made me believe that God has given me even what I have not asked for. And at that moment, the Holy Spirit came in my heart with tremendous joy.
From then time on, I asked others, "Why don't you believe in the gooooood Jesus? And I can tell that God has given me money that I need. When I say this, people think, "Oh, pastor Kim is a very rich man! How much money do you have? Maybe a millionaire?"
I answer, "Do you think a millionaire will carry all their money in their pocket?" No. Only one credit card is enough. But if we lose the card, or if we have no credit, that card is useless. But our heavenly card has endless credit. The bank of heaven will not go bankrupt. Thieves cannot steal our heavenly money.
After hearing my message, I think you can make a conclusion. "Yes, I will believe in Jesus!" I want you to earn more precious things than 100 million dollars as you believe in Jesus who died for you. Amen!