▶2003 가을학기 캘거리대학교 외국인학생(visa student) 등록 통계


2003년 가을학기 캘거리대학교 외국인학생(visa student) 등록이 23%(274명) 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전체 등록생수는 2% (457명) 증가한 것으로 나타났다.

03년 가을학기에 등록한 1493명의 외국인학생 수를 출신국가별로 보면, China (311 students, 22%), India (76 students, 5%); Hong Kong (68 students, 5%), and the United States (68 students, 5%) 순이다.

참고로 한국출신 visa student 수는 54명(학부과정:34, 대학원과정:20) 이었다.

CALGARY" 보고서의 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.

HIGHLIGHTS (University of Calgary)

▣ In Fall 2003, full-time visa enrolment stood at 1,439 students; 830
undergraduate and 609 graduate.

▣ This enrolment of 1,439 students represents an increase of 23.5% over Fall 2002. Visa student enrolment has increased by close to 40% over the last two years (408 students).

▣ Enrolment of full-time visa students was up by 274 this Fall ? 150
undergraduate; 124 graduate.

▣ At the undergraduate level, the largest enrolment increases were in the
Haskayne School of Business (+50 students); Social Sciences (+48); and Science (+46). Half, or close to half of the enrolment increases in these three faculties were the result of increased numbers of students from

▣ At the graduate level, the largest increase in student numbers occurred in Engineering (+52); Haskayne School of Business (+27); and Science (+22). Close to half of the increase in visa students numbers in the Haskayne School of Business and in Science were the result of an increase in the number of students from China. In Engineering, the visa enrolment increases were largely due to an increase in the number of students from India and Iran.

▣ In Fall 2003, at the undergraduate plus graduate level, the largest
increases in visa students came from China (+82), India (+22), Iran (+22), Japan (+19), Saudi Arabia (+17), and Mexico (+11). The areas of study pursued by students from China, Iran and India have been discussed above.
Increases in students from Japan and Mexico impacted undergraduate
enrolments (dispersed among the various faculties) while increases in students from Saudi Arabia (increases experienced largely in Engineering and Medicine) impacted graduate level enrolments.

▣ In Fall 2003, approximately three-quarters of visa students came from 20 countries; the remaining 25% of visa students came from 76 other countries.

▣ Of the 1,439 visa students in Fall 2003, the largest number are from China (311 students, 22%), India (76 students, 5%); Hong Kong (68 students, 5%), and the United States (68 students, 5%).