여름철 많은 시민들이 캘거리의 보우강과 엘보우강에서 라프팅(Rafting)을 즐기는데 이때 지켜야 할 규칙들이 있다:
-라이프 자켓 착용(Life jackets/Personal Floatation Devices)-미착용시 벌금 $500
-음주 금지
-강가/노상 방뇨 금지
-쓰레기 투척 금지-위반시 $500-$1,000 벌금
아래는 캘거리시에서 게시한 라프팅 안전 사항이다:
River raft safety
Are you looking forward to rafting down the Bow and Elbow rivers this summer? Have fun and stay safe on the water by following these tips:
Open liquor is not allowed in public places – this includes Calgary's rivers. Stay sober and alert when in or around water.
-Plan your route and tell someone where you're going.
-Read and heed the signs to avoid the weir.
-Use extra caution on rivers when approaching bridge pillars and never tie watercrafts together.
-Air mattresses and other floatation toys aren't suitable for use on Calgary's waterways. Use a good quality canoe, kayak or three chambered raft.
-Wear your lifejacket and don't forget an oar or paddle, a bailing device, a 15-metre towing line and a whistle.
-Respect the property of residents and pathway users along the river. Don't litter, urinate or defecate on public or private property.
-Use garbage bags and put them in waste bins when you're back on shore.