알버타주 전자제품 재활용 프로그램


알버타주 전자제품 재활용 프로그램(Alberta's Electronics Recycling Program)에 따라 가전제품 소매업체들은 TV, 데스크탑컴퓨터, 노트북컴퓨터와 관련 제품에 대해 구매자들에게 수수료를 아래와 같이 부과한다.

Computer Equipment Environmental Fee
Laptop / Notebooks $5.00
Printers $8.00
Computer Systems $10.00
CRT and LCD Monitors $12.00

Televisions Environmental Fee
18-inch screen and smaller $15.00
19-inch to 29-inch screen $25.00
30-inch to 45-inch screen $30.00
46-inch and larger screen $45.00

For more information please visit the Alberta Recycling Management Authority's website at http://www.albertarecycling.com.