[이거 아세요?]캘거리에서 무단횡단에 대한 벌금은 얼마나 될까?


캘거리시는 향후 이틀간 무단횡단, 특히 C-Train 트랙을 무단횡단하는 행위를 집중 단속하기로 했다는군요. 아시다시피 캘거리의 C-Train은 지상으로 다닙니다.

C-Train이 운행되기 시작한 1981년 이후로 33명이 C-Train에 의한 사고로 사망했다고 합니다.

현재 캘거리에서 무단횡단에 대한 벌금은 $25입니다만 C-Train 트랙을 무단횡단하는 경우에 대한 벌금은 $60 입니다. 특히 다운타운의 C-Train이 지나는 구간에서는 조심해야 할 것 같네요.

벌금이 문제가 아니라 목숨을 위해서라도 무단횡단은 하지 맙시다!!!

아래 기사 원문입니다.

City cracks down on jaywalkers

POSTED AT 4:58 PM Wednesday, March 13

The city is stepping up its efforts over the next two days to catch and ticket jaywalkers as part of an effort to educate the public about the hazards of jaywalking, especially on C-train tracks.

Calgary transit officers and city police are ticketing jaywalkers on 7th Avenue in a two day blitz. About a couple of hundred tickets will be written.

Special Constable Dan Yontz said certain areas are worse than others for jaywalking.

"We have some areas that are specially bad, 1st Street and 2nd Street West. There's a lot of people in that area, it's very congested. There are lots of bus stops and shopping areas, people are always short cutting trying to get where they're going as quick as possible," said Yontz.

The hazards of jaywalking are very real. Since the C-Train started operating in 1981, 33 people have died after being hit by a C-Train.

Ron Collins of Calgary Transit said more public awareness about jaywalking is needed, especially over C-Train tracks.

"We're just trying to get across to the public the dangers that they face jaywalking, and it also poses a danger to passengers on the train in the event that there is a sudden breaking," said Collins.

The fine for jaywalking in Calgary is $25, but it jumps to $60 for people who jaywalk on C-Train tracks.