최근 캘거리 경제 동향 (Economic Update)


SI Systems라는 회사에서 작성한 최근 Job Market 동향입니다.

이 자료는 캘거리 경제사정이 괜찮은 것으로 보고 있습니다. 내년 1분기부터 회복단계에 접어들어 2004년에 호황을 맞을 것이라는 예측입니다.

9월 11일 테러사건이후 산업별로 어떤 영향을 받고 있는지 아래 기록하고 있습니다.

특히 IT분야는 강세를 이어가고 있고 많은 IT manager들이 충원을 고려중이라고 합니다.


We have been gathering a lot of research on the current economic situation and believe it is still a strong outlook going forward.

As you know, prior to the September 11 events, macroeconomic trends
modelled by the Institute for Trend Research, predicted a bottoming out of the economy in this period and the start of a recovery in first quarter 2001 that would lead to a booming economy in 2004.

Post September 11, the economists at RBC have commented on what industry
types are most likely to be affected and which are most likely to do
business as usual in wake of these tensions being added to an economic
recovery. Remember though, it is only one opinion and it doesn't comment on all industry sectors. However if you have any clients that are most likely to not be affected or will gain, they might be worth some extra attention.

Most heavily affected
-Financial Services

May slow temporarily

Most likely to not be affected
-General Industrials
-Infrastructure companies

Most likely to gain
- Oil and Gas sector
- Pipeline and Gas and Electric Utilities

Lastly, the IT consulting sector we believe will continue to be strong. We are still growing and have as many new opportunities posted on our website as we did last year at this time. A recent survey of IT managers by Deloitte and Touche says that most IT managers are not lowering their
staffing estimates for this year. When they do have additional candidates
to consider, they are choosing to hire more senior people, but they are
still hiring just as many.

출처: S.i. Network October 2001 - Economic Update