캐나다화폐 안내
캐나다 화폐는 6가지 동전(2달러,1달러,25센트,10센트,5센트,1센트)과 5가지 지폐(5달러,10달러,20달러,50달러,100달러)로 구성됩니다. 그리고 VISA, MasterCard, American Express 같은 신용카드들도 일부 소형 상점만 제외하고 거의 대부분 사용 가능합니다.
The unit of currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar ($) which divides into 100 cents. Canadian coinage is as follows:
Twoonie = $2.00
Loonie = $1.00
quarter = $0.25 (25 cents)
dime = $0.10 (10 cents)
nickel = $0.05 ( 5 cents)
penny = $0.01 ( 1 cent)
Paper notes are most commonly issued in $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills.
Credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard and American Express are widely accepted.