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캘거리 시가 현재 진행중이거나 계획하고 있는 주요 교통 관련 프로젝트입니다.

Priority Projects for 2002-2004

Projects Now Underway
* Transit garage expansions to accommodate growing bus and shuttle fleet
* Northwest LRT extension to Dalhousie Station Completion: 2003
* LRT vehicle upgrading
* Deerfoot Tr. extension including interchanges at Barlow Tr.,
* Marquis of Lorne Tr. and 196th Ave. S.E. Completion: 2003
* New interchanges on Crowchild Tr. at Brisbois Dr., Northland Dr.and 53rd St. N.W.
Completion: 2003
* Purchase of additional 173 low floor buses and 71 shuttle buses
* Widening Glenmore Tr. from Barlow Tr. to 52nd St. S.E.

New Projects for 2002
* New interchange at Glenmore Tr. and 18th St. S.E. Completion: 2003
* New interchange at Macleod Tr. and Shawnessy Blvd., S.W.Completion: 2003
* New interchange at Crowchild Tr. and 50th Ave. S.W. Completion: 2004
* Decrease travel time by implementing such things as high occupancy
vehicle/bus only lanes (Centre St. N.)
* Widen Glenmore Tr. from 52nd St. S.E. to 84th St. S.E Completion: 2003
* Extend LRT from 146th Ave. S. to 162nd Ave. S. including an additional 1100 Park 'n'
Ride stalls and 4 Light Rail Vehicles Completion: 2004
* Upgrade the LRT vending machines (timed with station openings)
* Construct a new bridge over Fish Creek with upgraded road Completion: 2004

New Projects for 2003
* Widen McKnight Blvd. from 52nd St. E. to 68th St. E. Completion: 2003
* New bus storage garage at Spring Gardens Completion: 2004
* Widen 16th Ave. N. from 6th St. E. to 10th St. W. Completion: 2006
* Widen Glenmore Tr. from Deerfoot Tr. to Ogden Rd. including a new bridge
Completion: 2005
* Widen McKnight Blvd. from Edmonton Tr. to 4th St. N.Completion: 2005
* Widen 36th St. E. from McKnight Blvd. to 64th Ave. N. Completion: 2004
* Widen 68th St. S.E. from Memorial Dr. to 17th Ave. S.E. Completion: 2004
* Extend LRT to Westwinds Station (64th Ave. N.E.) including 800 additional Park 'n'
Ride stalls, 3 new Light Rail Vehicles and an interchange at McKnight Blvd. on
36th St. N.E. Completion 2006
* Widen Anderson Rd. from 24th St. S.W. to Sarcee Tr.Completion: 2003

New Projects for 2004
* Widen Glenmore Tr. from Crowchild Tr. to Sarcee Tr. Completion: 2005
* New LRV storage garage at 36th St. and 64th Ave. N.E. Completion: 2006

출처 http://www.gov.calgary.ab.ca/trans_inv/htdocs/priorityp5.html