캘거리시에서 수거하지 않는 쓰레기 항목


캘거리시의 쓰레기 수거는 화요일부터 금요일 사이에 이루지며, 수거일은 주거지역에 따라 달라지는데 자세한 내용은아래 전화로 문의하면 된다.

(403) 230-6600

캘거리시의 residential service 부서에서는 아래 항목들은 수거하지 않으니 참조하세요.

Residential Waste Collection

Types of Waste NOT Collected - Our residential service does not provide collection for the following items:

  • Items longer than 1.25 m or heavier than 20 kg
  • Automobile waste including parts, tires and batteries
  • Building materials, fences or gates
  • Electronics, household appliances, furniture, mattresses and box springs. It is the responsibility of the owner to take these items to any of the three City landfills for disposal.
  • Trees, tree limbs, shrubs, bushes, loam, gravel, sod and prunings which are not properly packaged
  • Animal carcasses or parts
  • Household chemicals or hazardous waste