캘거리 보건 예산 삭감-병원 출산시 필요 용품을 스스로 준비해야


캘거리보건당국(CHR)은 보건예산의 삭감으로 인해 병원에서 출산시 산모 자신과 아기를 위한 용품(기저기, 위행휴지, 옷 등등)을 스스로 준비해야만 한다고 밝혔다. 아래 기사 원문을 보세요.

Parents of new babies must come to hospital prepared with supplies
POSTED AT 3:45 PM Friday, January 18

The Calgary Health Region says people are getting used to bringing supplies for mothers and newborns who are staying in the hospital.

As a result of cuts to health budgets, the CHR decided to ask women who were giving birth in the hospital to bring supplies for themselves and newborn, including diapers, sanitary napkins and clothing.

Corine Frick of Postpartum services told CFCN News that the decision to ask parents to provide everything wasn't an easy one.

"Historically, we have provided everything to make patients as comfortable as possible in hospital and we have provided an inexhaustible amount of supplies for people," said Frick.

The CHR estimates that it could save as much as $60,000 a year as a result of asking parents to bring their own supplies.

In the past, it cost $10,000 a month for disposable items such as diapers and sanitary napkins.

It costs $2,500 a month to replace infant nighties and receiving blankets.

For parents who do show up at the hospital unprepared, the hospital has some stock supplies for them.

Despite its efforts, though, the CHR expects it will have to spend more than $50,000 a year on supplies for the maternity unit.

What mothers should bring to the hospital
A list of everything a mother should bring with her while in hospital is available at most doctors' offices or local clinics.

The following list is provided here.

For Mom
"From Here Through Maternity" book (available from your doctor)
Alberta Health Care card
Other insurance cards, for example Blue Cross
Hospital Admission Card, if you have one already. If not, you will be given one when you come to the hospital to have your baby.
A black pen, to fill out forms
Housecoat, slippers, 2 nightgowns, pajamas or sweat suit
3 or 4 panties and 2 bras (nursing bras if breast feeding)
Toiletries including toothpaste, Kleenex, shampoo, sanitary pads
Change, credit card or calling card for the phone, phone numbers of family and friends
Loose fitting clothing to wear home
Camera and film

For Baby
If you wish to start baby in his or her own clothing, you will need to bring the following. Please label the baby clothes.

3-4 receiving blankets
3-4 T-shirts
4 sleepers
1 package of diapers
Hat or toque
1 warm blanket
Laundry bag or plastic bag for soiled clothing
Baby clothes and blankets for going home
Approved car seat