운영자 입니다. 흥미로운 기사가 있어 소개해 드립니다.
캘거리시가 발표한 연례 시민만족도 조사(1,000명에 설문)에서 캘거리 시민들은 10명 중 9명 꼴로 자신들이 살고 있는 도시에 만족하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 경찰,소방,응급구호 서비스에서 90% 의 높은 점수를 받았다.
다만 약 80%의 시민들은 rush hour의 교통사정이 점점 더 악화되고 있고, 약 50%의 시민들은 주요 도로들의 상태가 좋지 않다고 여기는 것으로 나타났다.
시민의 절반은 자신들이 낸 재산세에 비해 여전히 좋은 서비스를 받고 있다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다.
아래는 설문조사 결과의 주요 내용을 요약한 것입니다.
Key findings:
Over 9 in 10 Calgarians rate the quality of life in The City as good (40%) or very good (52%), similar to 2001 levels
Ratings of the quality of civic services are correspondingly high (89% good/very good), up from 88% in 2001
Calgarians rate The City’s performance as equal to or better than other levels of government and on par with the private sector (+10 point gain relative to Provincial Government)
Infrastructure, traffic and roads (traffic levels and street maintenance) dominate the list of important issues
Key emergency services (Fire, EMS, Police) are rated very positively
Areas with declining satisfaction (2001 – 2002) include a significant drop in the condition of major roads and minor declines in recreation facilities & programs
Important issues that are rated poorly concern mobility (rush hour traffic, condition of roads/streets). Transit and recycling also remain potential pressure areas (high importance, with performance showing slight downward trends)
4 in 5 Calgarians (79%) believe rush hour traffic flow is worse now than it was in 2001; while nearly half (49%) believe the condition of major streets has deteriorated in the past year
Only a small minority of Calgarians (7%) feel they derive poor value from the property taxes they pay, while 55% feel they get good or very good value
Opinion is evenly split over whether to initiate a property tax increase to match inflation, and most citizens would like to see current services maintained (63%) or increased (33%)
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