캘거리 시민, 가구당 연수입($66,500) 보다 더 많이 소비($73,782) ???


캘거리시민들은 연방통계청이 최근 발표한 자료에 의하면 가구당 연 $66,500을 벌어들이는 반면 연소비는 $73,782에 이르는 것으로 나타났다.

소비 항목을 자세히 보면 다음과 같다(괄호는 캐나다 전체 순위):


- Total expenditure: $73,782 (third in Canada)

- Food: $7,277 (2nd)

- Shelter: $13,213 (4th)

- Household furnishings etc. $2,253 (2nd)

- Clothing: $3,079 (2nd)

- Transportation: $9,169 (4th)

- Health care: $2,000 (1st)

- Recreation: $4,865 (3rd)

- Reading materials: $352 (3rd)

- Education: $1,142 (7th)

- Tobacco and alcohol: $1,612 (2nd)

- Games of chance: $348(2nd)

- Personal income tax: $17,227(2nd)

- Gifts of money: $1,860 (2nd)

- 60 per cent of Canadians now own a computer and about half use the Internet from home.

- About 48 per cent of Canadian households have a cellphone.

- The average Canadian household spends $720 on televisions, VCRs, camcorders and home theatres.

- Slightly more than one-third of Canadian households spend an average of $860 per year on hotels and motels.

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