2000년 캐나다 & 캘거리 중산층 가정 소득


2000년 캐나다 중산층 가정 소득 (Canadian median family income in 2000)

- Total: $51,000, up 2.2 per cent from 1999

- Husband and wife: $56,700, 2.0 per cent increase

- Lone parent: $25,400, 5.7 per cent increase

2000년 캘거리 중산층 가정 소득 (Calgary median family incomes in 2000)

- Total: $60,700, up 2.2 per cent

- Husband and wife: $66,500, up 2.2 per cent

- Lone parent: $30,400, up 5.3 per cent

공과금 납부 (Paying their bills)

- One in every six Canadian families had difficulty keeping up with payments in 1998.

- The typical low-income family had only $300 available for a financial emergency in 1999.

- In 1998, almost 38 per cent of families reported outstanding credit card or instalment debt. In families where the major income earner was aged 25-34, that number rose to 50 per cent.

*Source: Statistics Canada