알버타주정부 100주년(2005년) 기념사업의 일환으로 Centennial Education Savings Plan을 설립하여 2005년부터 시행합니다. 이는 2005년부터 출생하는 아이 이름으로 RESP(Registered Education Savings Plan) 계좌를 열면 $500(1회성)을 지급해 주며, 8세, 11세, 14세 되는 해에 각 $100씩 grant가 주어진다는 내용입니다. 종합하면 2005년 이후 출생하여 RESP계좌를 개설한 어린이는 $800을 정부로부터 지원받게 되는 것입니다. 이것도 굉장한 혜택이죠.
RESP에 대한 일반정보는 아래 연방정부 사이트를 보세요.
Centennial Education Savings Plan
The Government of Alberta will be marking the province’s Centennial by making an investment in its future. A new education savings plan will be introduced in 2005.
Under the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan, the Alberta government will make a one-time contribution of $500 to any Alberta child born in 2005 or later whose family has opened an RESP in the child’s name. In addition to the initial $500 grant, the government will provide another $100 to an RESP for children attending school in Alberta at age 8, 11 and 14, beginning with children born in 2005. The first of the $100 grants will be issued in 2013.
Investing in higher levels of learning not only contributes to a child’s future success; it is also critical to Alberta’s continuing prosperity in the next century,
For more information on the Alberta Centennial Education Savings Plan, please visit the Alberta Learning website at http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/aces.
*출처: http://www.albertacentennial.ca/grants/centennial_education_savings_plan.asp