FT선정 ‘2010년 세계 100대 경영대학원’ 중에서 캐나다의 6개학교가 100위안에 이름을 올렸다.
1. London Business School (영국)2. University of Pennsylvania: Wharton (미국)3. Harvard Business School (미국)4. Stanford University GSB (미국)5. Insead (프랑스)6. Columbia Business School (미국)6. IE Business School (스페인)8. MIT Sloan School of Management (미국)9. Univesity of Chicago: Booth (미국)9. Hong Kong UST Business School (홍콩)11. Iese Business School (스페인)12. Indian School of Business (인도)13. New York University: Stern (미국)13. Dartmouth College: Tuck (미국)15. IMD (스위스)16. Yale School of Management (미국)16. University of Oxford: Said (영국)18. HEC Paris (프랑스)19. Esade Business School (스페인)20. Duke University : Fuqua (미국)45. University of Toronto: Rotman (Canada)49. University of Western Ontario: Ivey (Canada)54. York University: Schulich (Canada)82. University of British Columbia: Sauder (Canada)86. University of Alberta (Canada)95. McGill University: Desautels (Canada)
FT선정 ‘2010년 세계 100대 경영대학원’