Dream and Reality


Luke 16:10-12 Dream and Reality
Which words do you like ? "Have a dream !" or "Awake from your dream !" 'Have a dream !' means 'Do not lose hope !' And 'Awake from your dream !' means 'Look at the reality !'
Our God is the God of dream. God gave dream to the many persons. And Jesus came on earth and died on the cross because he had the dream. Bible tells us, when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will dream. "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."(Acts 2:17)
Christians have to have dreams. Bible says, "Where there is no dream, the people perish."(Pro 29:18) But if they have a deep attachment to the dream only, but deny reality, they are in danger of being failures. Christians do not deny reality. We accomplish our dreams with faithfulness to the reality.
Korean students have the dream. They want to be fluent in English. But they have to study hard to accomplish their dreams. If they do not study today, but only say, "I will be fluent in English tomorrow !", God will say to them, "Hey, awake from your dream !"
Just like the Korean students, we immigrants have come here to Canada because we have dreams. Some of us are satisfied with the good environment, good education system, and good medical system of Canada. But we face realities such as job and business. How thankful it is if we get a good job and a good business in Canada !
But we know that the reality in Canada is different from our dream. Reality in Canada is hard because of the different culture, different law, different language, discrimination and cold weather especially in Calgary. How good it is if we understand the reality of Canada and accomplish our dreams one by one ! But it is regrettable that they don't understand the reality and they cling to only their dreams.
About two decades ago, I heard the voice of God while I was praying in the prayer mountain in Korea. saying "I have given you everything !" I was really joyful at that time. And I thought that my dream would be accomplished easily and at once. But sometimes the reality was different from what I thought.
At that time I asked God many times, "God, why ?" But God sometimes did not answer me nor accomplished my dream according to my wish. But I realize that God has prepared even the hard reality as a stepping stone to my dream. We have to know that we have to pass the reality before we accomplish our dreams.
Today's scripture says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."(Luke 16:10) It means ; a good opportunity and a bright future will be given to those who do their best to the reality.
Brothers and sister, have you ever heard these words ? "A journey of a thousand miles starts with but a single step. "Step by step goes a long way." "Many a little makes a mickle." If someone does not make even the first step but only thinks, "I will reach the end of my journey tomorrow.", that man has to awake from his dream.
Someone says to God, "God, give me one million dollars. Then I will donate all of them to the church. Believe me !" But if you were God, who do you believe between the two men ? One is the man who donates a tithe and the other is the man who never donates ? Many want to receive the financial blessing from God. But God wants to give it to those who handle the present money trustworthily.
Therefore today's scripture says, "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches ?"(Luke 16:11) My beloved, be the trustworthy Christians with today's one dollar. Then God will give you two dollars tomorrow. And be the trustworthy Christians with today's two dollars. Then God will give you four dollars tomorrow.
Today's scripture also says, "If you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own ?" Just think. If you are a boss, who do you want to hire between the trustworthy man and untrustworthy man ? Do you want to hire the man who misuses the company's property because it is not his own ? The answer is obviously 'No !'.
If you are not trustworthy today as an employee but only think, 'I will be trustworthy tomorrow when I become a boss', is it a attitude ? Don't you think God will give his blessing to those who are trustworthy today with other's property ? God wants to bless the trustworthy person. He wants to give a good opportunity to the trustworthy person. If you are trustworthy today with other's property, God will bless you, so that your dream can be accomplished even in this foreign land. Amen !