For the sake of growth


Matt 5:9 For the sake of growth
New year 2003 has come. Everyone has become one year older even though they do not want. I have become 45 years old. But my mind is still twenties. Just as the words says 'Time flies like an arrow.', this year 2003 will flies like an arrow. As I think that our life is very short, I have decided to do my best to complete the task that the Lord Jesus has given me.
Before I met God, before I realized the great grace of Jesus, I believed Him only for my sake. And I prayed only for my sake. But after I realized the great grace of Jesus, I decided to live my life for God's sake just as the apostle Paul said, "The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."(Gal 2:20) I think almost of you have decided to live for Jesus like Paul.
Let me ask you a question. "What is decision for 2003 ?" "Oh, this year I have decided to read the bible once, to evangelize more than two families, to pray one hour a day, and to attend the early morning prayer meeting once a week." If you have decided like this, you are the persons who have experienced the great grace of Jesus.
If you confess, "Lord, last year I missed Sunday service many times. But this year I will attend every Sunday service.", this decision will also please the Lord Jesus. Bible says, "The forceful man lay hold of the kingdom of heaven."(Matt 11:12) I wish you to get the abundant treasures of the kingdom of heaven by enthusiasm.
This year God also wants the church of Jesus to grow, and his people to be increased in number. Therefore God said to Adam and Eve, "Be fruitful and increase in number. Fill the earth."(Gen 1:28) And God also said to Noah, "Be fruitful and increase in number. Fill the earth."(Gen 9:1) And God said to Abraham, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars. So shall your offspring be."(Gen 15:5)
God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."(1 Tim 2:4) That is, God wants all of his churches to grow. But Satan wants God's churches to be decreased and destroyed. This year Satan will also attack us like a roaring lion to destroy the church of God. There is no doubt that church and believers are the first attack objectives by Satan.
Therefore we have to fight against Satan even this year. Satan will do the last-ditch fight against us. Satan will try to entice us by the craving of sinful men, by the lust of eyes, by the pride of the world, and by the deceptive philosophy. Satan knows the best way to destroy the church and the believers. One of the ways is to cause quarrel, disunion and discord between each member of the church.
If they fight against each other, the church and the believers will be easily destructed. It is same in the case of family and nation. There is no growth and prosperity in the quarrelsome family and nation. If we want church growth, we absolutely need harmony and unity. Jesus says, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."(Matt 12:25) "If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other."(Gal 5:15)
Harmony and unity is very hard in the society of Korean immigrants because of the different culture. But the bigger reason is that the people in Canada do not pray than the people in Korea, so that the Satan works stronger in Canada than in Korea. But we have to be in harmony and peace with each other. We have to expel the Satan who causes discord and quarrel from our church, from our family, from our nation.
And we know that there is no other way but prayer to expel the Satan.(Mark 9:29) Therefore the one of the goals of our church for 2003 is 'Let's pray for church growth.' We have to decided this year, "I have to be the persons of unity and peace for church growth." If we are the persons of peace and unity, our church, family, nation will grow and prosper.
And we have to act for unity, peace and harmony this year. Bible says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."(Matt 5:9) "God is not a God of discord but of peace."(1 Cor 14:33) "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace."(Rom 14:19) "Turn from evil and do good ; seek peace and pursue it."(Psalms 34:14)
We have to pursue peace, harmony and unity in our family, in our church and in our nation. Don't forget. "Where there are peace and harmony, there are growth and prosperity." I pray all of us to be the persons of growth and prosperity with peace and harmony. Amen !