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캐나다 국민이 연방정부에 낸 일인당 연평균 $6,000($299 billion total)의 세금이 쓰이는 곳 10군데를 살펴보면:

1. Public safety and emergency preparednessYour contribution: $186.57Percentage of total tax bill: 3.10 per centTotal spending: $8.1 billion

2. Old Age Security (65세 이상의 국민에게 지급되는 혜택)Your contribution: $601.39Percentage of total tax bill: 9.99 per centTotal spending: $26.3 billion

3. Equalization payments (부자인 주가 가난한 주를 지원하는 개념)Your contribution: $307.42Percentage of total tax bill: 5.11 per centTotal spending: $13.4 billion4. Foreign Affairs and international tradeYour contribution: $317.30Percentage of total tax bill: 5.27 per centTotal spending: $13.9 billion

5. National DefenceYour contribution: $450.52Percentage of total tax bill: 7.49 per centTotal spending: $19.7 billion

6. Crown corporations (연방정부 운영기관 Canada Post, Via Rail, the Bank of Canada, Royal Canadian Mint, Atomic Energy of Canada, various federal museums and a host of other federally funded agencies)Your contribution: $502.38Percentage of total tax bill: 8.36 per centTotal spending: $94.68 billion

7. Public debt chargesYour contribution: $615.35Percentage of total tax bill: 10.23 per centTotal spending: $27.0 billion

8. Health and health & social transfersYour contribution: $942.84Percentage of total tax bill: 15.67 per centTotal spending: $41.29 billion

9. HR & Skills Development CanadaYour contribution: $1,069.97Percentage of total tax bill: 17.78 per centTotal government spending: $46.9 billion

10. The rest of your tax bill
The CBC(국영방송) gets $25.97 of your tax bill while the Status of Women agency gets 72 cents. The Canada Space Agency receives $7.85, the Supreme Court gets 66 cents and Parliament grabs $9.75 of your taxable earnings. The RCMP gets its funding through your $75.47 contribution and employment insurance accounts for $491.89.