12일 신임 알버타 Redford 주수상은 자신의 첫 내각(20부)을 발표했다.New Alberta cabinet:
Alison Redford, Premier, President of Executive Council, Chair of Agenda and Priorities
Doug Horner, Deputy Premier, President of Treasury Board
Dave Hancock, Human Services, Government House Leader
Ted Morton, Energy
Verlyn Olson, Justice and Attorney General, Deputy Government House Leader
Fred Horne, Health
Ron Liepert, Finance
Thomas Lukaszuk, Education
Diana McQueen, Environment and Water
Jonathan Denis, Solicitor General and Public Security
Cal Dallas, International, Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Relations
Evan Berger, Agriculture and Rural Development
Frank Oberle, Sustainable Resource Development
George Vanderburg, Seniors
Ray Danyluk, Transportation
Jeff Johnson, Infrastructure
Doug Griffiths, Municipal Affairs
Greg Weadick, Advanced Education and Technology
Jack Hayden, Tourism, Parks and Recreation
Heather Klimchuk, Culture and Community Services
Manmeet Bhullar, Service Alberta