Divine Guidance


Isaiah 42:16  says this:  I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
You know what jumps out at me as I read this verse? All the “I will’s”
The immortal invisible God only wise; the one who never has and never is going to say anything false or misleading; the divine one whose flawless character cannot even begin to manufacture deception is saying that He will lead and He will guide.
He will turn the light on for you, and iron out the wrinkles.
We can summarize all these assurances into a two-word phrase that promises to clear up all the fuzziness of your life and times—Divine Guidance.
If you know Jesus you are already a veteran in this area. It was His inner leading that brought you to Him in the first place.
Hearing the voice of God is a basic right of every child of God, and His voice will remain available to you all the days of your life.
 We tend to use those the words lead and guide interchangeably. But I wonder if they don’t suggest two different actions?
I like to distinguish the two words this way:
Being lead is like following a processional. God is in advance and we follow His movement.
Being guided is like being ushered down an aisle. God has our arm and gently maneuvers us to the place where we should be.
But while the actions are different, the result we desire is the same. We want to arrive where we should be, when we should be there, with the right people, and with the right attitude of heart.
So how do we get direction from God? How do we hear Him speak to us?
Do you realize that it’s actually hard not to hear from God if you are living in proper relationship with Him?
So let me lay out a few simple keys that will help you hear the voice that we need to hear above all others.
Approach God with clean hands and a pure heart.
How can we expect to hear from God if we are still sinful things in our lives that He has urged us to get right? How can we expect Him to show us more when we haven’t done the last thing He has asked us to do? (Luke 16:10)
 A clear conscience is absolutely essential in hearing God’s voice and not the voice of the enemy. Unconfessed sin is a prime reason why many do not know God’s will. Jesus taught in the beatitudes (Matt.5:8) that it is the “pure in heart” that will see Him.
Allow God to speak to you in the way He chooses.
God speaks and has spoken in many different ways. Divine guidance divides into three basic categories: personal (direct individual guidance), corporeal (other Christians), and supernatural.
In terms of personal guidance, the most common way that God speaks is through the Bible. The scriptures are foundational to all guidance, and that’s why we need to regularly spend time in God’s word.
As we read, meditate, and wait on God, he will speak to us through the witness of the Holy Spirit—that inner voice known by all children of God.  The Holy Spirit is able to pull us from the inside toward God’s will.
But remember he pulls us, never pushes us. God’s voice is gentle and familiar to his children.
Never act on a hasty, uncomfortable urging. That voice is not the voice of God. God will speak to you as you rest in Him. Sometimes He will answer your question with a yes, sometimes with a no, and sometimes with the most difficult answer to hear—wait. But sometimes wait is the most necessary answer.
In terms of Corporeal guidance God will often use the Godly counsel of experienced Christians, the spoken word you hear in a church service, or even a message given to you via operation of the spiritual gifts, for example a word of knowledge, or prophecy.
But none of these should be taken as the final or direct statement from the Lord. God will use others to confirm your guidance, but He wants you to hear from Him directly.
Supernatural instances of guidance in our lives are more rare, but they do occur. God will speak to us in a dream. Why? Because we are completely undistracted as we sleep. So He’ll show us a T.V. commercial of the message He is trying to get across to us.
He sometimes speaks through a vision. This is like a dream except that you are awake and seeing a superimposed image over the reality that is surrounding you.
If you think God is trying to speak to you through a dream or vision you should carefully record it, pray about it, and talk about it with a trusted and mature friend in Christ.
God also speaks through angelic visitation and at times He will even speak with an audible voice.
But before we move on from this area of the supernatural, let me caution you to not become fascinated with, or exalt these ways over the more common ways that God communicates. Remember; let the method of guidance be of His choosing.  
Use caution in sharing your guidance
There are a variety of reasons why we should be cautious about sharing with others the guidance we have received. Sometimes we are speaking out of pride because God spoke to us. Sometimes we speak out of presumption without fully understanding everything God is saying to us. Sometimes we need to wait for God to prepare the hearts of others so we don’t bring confusion to them.
Identify Counterfeits
Things of value are counterfeited. That’s why we have counterfeit money. Satan knows that divine guidance is immeasurably valuable. Why do you think we have psychics and tarot card readers and astrology and all manner of dark forms of guidance? Don’t ever buy in. Counterfeit guidance will lead you away from God, never toward Him.
.Analyze your opposition
There may be times when you are opposed by those you respect, love, and trust. Often our first response to this type of push back is to assume that we must not have heard from God clearly, when in fact He may be asking us to move into a broader scope of life and calling. In those cases we must choose to pursue God’s plan -- but here’s the key, never in rebellion to those who oppose us, instead in yieldedness to our final authority.  Ask God to show you the difference.
Make listening for God a habit
It is possible to recognize the voice of God as easily as it is to recognize the voice of your best friend. It’s as simple as talking to Him a lot. Remember this, God rewards diligent seekers, not casual inquirers.
Be prepared to act on your guidance
If you will challenge yourself to be one that listens for the voice of God., He will increasingly speak to you. We live in a world that is tired of hearing the empty promises of human wisdom. This generation is crying for a voice of authority. And guess what…you can be one who relays God’s voice! Would you dare yourself to be guided by God, would you dare to be one who speaks his heart to a weary world. Would you dare to see how He uses you and where He takes you?