Jesus' blood!


Jesus' blood!
Revelation 12:11
There is the nude seashore near University of British Columbia(UBC) in Canada. My daughter, UBC student had to pass the nude seashore. She felt very upset in her mind for passing the nude seashore. But with a big encouragement, she was trying to pass by the nude seashore alone. But all of sudden, some rascals gathered around my daughter. My daughter felt terrified. She shouted loudly against them, "Jesus' blood!"
On hearing "Jesus' blood!", they ran away. It is so curious. Why they ran away when they heard "Jesus' blood!" Without Jesus' blood, my daughter would face a big trouble. My daughter could pass the way safely because of Jesus' blood. This is a dream that I had few days ago. I often have this kind of dreams. It is spiritual dreams. With this dream, God told me to deliver the message about Jesus' blood this Sunday.
When I was in Korea. I laid in my room for a sleep in the afternoon. But some dark cloud gathered in the upper coner of my room. Then the dark cloud came down to me and tried to choke me. I shouted, "Jesus' blood!" On hearing "Jesus' blood!", the dark cloud withdrew and ran away through the window. It is so curious. Why the dark cloud ran away when they heard "Jesus' blood!"
When we believe in God, we often shout, "Hallelujah!" and "Amen!" But we sometimes forget to shout, "Jesus' blood!". Jesus' blood is like SOS in emergency. Jesus' blood is the heavenly SOS. When we shout, "Jesus' blood!", Jesus comes, and angels of God appear to help us. That's why the demons ran away when they hear "Jesus' blood!"
It is like a mosquito spray(insecticide). In summer, mosquitos attack us. But when we spray insecticide upon the mosquitos, they ran away as soon as possible. Likewise, Jesus' blood is the deadly poison to the Devil and demons. But Jesus' blood is the emergency medicine to us. We always have to carry this emergency medicine which is Jesus' blood.
When I saw a Korean movie few years, A woman fainted and fell down the street. She was dying with trembling her hands. She was trying to find a certain pill in her pocket. At last, she found the pill and ate it up. Then some minutes later, she got strength and got up. I wandered what the pill it is. That is a nothing but candy. She has an illness that she always need sugar. So she always carried sugar in her pocket. Candy is like life to her.
My beloved, please check whether or not you have Jesus' blood. If you don't have Jesus' blood, it is an emergency. Please find again the blood of Jesus. My late dad had heart dieses. So he always carried the heart pill named 'Gu-sim' in Korean language. When he felt heart attack, he ate the heart pill as soon as possible. That pill is like life to my dad. My dad always checked the pill inside and outside.
Maybe you have emergency medicine for yourself? Some years ago, a pastor named Park Jong Sun, the senior pastor of Uijungboo, visited to Calgary. He is over 70 years old. He has high blood pressure. So he always carries the pill for his illness. But one day he forgot it. All of sudden, high blood pressure attacked him. he thought, "I am dying!" Fortunately he overcame the dangerous moment. After that, he checks and checks the emergency pill.
I also has an emergency medicine which is water for my illness. Guess? what is my dieses? That is asthma. When I go to the bed, I always put the bottle of water on the stand table. Sometimes asthma attacks me while I was in sleep. Then I seek for water in the dream. And then with a severe thirsty, I woke up. And then I reached the water bottle, and drink and drink. Water is my emergency medicine.
Likewise, God gave us Jesus' blood for our emergency. Jesus told us, "My blood is real drink."(John 6:55) We can get the eternal life through the Jesus' blood. Without his blood, we cannot beeverything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."(Hebrews 9:22)
Without Jesus' blood, we are still sinners. Without his blood, we are still thirsty. Without his blood, we are still the slavers of the Devil. Without his blood, we are still under the prison of curse. But we have Jesus' blood. So we can sing, "His blood the witness gives, Within my heart for me, O Saviour, heed my every prayer, My full abundance be! I am coming, Lord; Coming now to Thee; Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood that flowed on Calvary. Amen!"(Hymnal 186)
Today's scripture says, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."(Revelation 12:11) My beloved, we overcome the Devil. We overcome illnesses and curse. We overcome the hell. We overcome fear. It is by the blood of Jesus. Nobody overcome them without the blood of Jesus.
But be careful, when we use the blood of Jesus. We have to cleanse our heart and mind before using His blood. Caution says, "Wash throughly before applying this medicine." Today let's cleanse our heart and mind, deed and words, past and present. I ask God to pour the blood of Jesus in you. I pray you to overcome this world by the blood of Jesus. Amen! forgiven. So the bible tells us, "In fact, the law requires that nearly