Let's thank God.


Let's thank God.
Psalms 50:23
Shakespeare' four great tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. Today I want to start my sermon with the story of King Lear. King Lear has 3 daughters. At the age of around 80, King Lear wanted to divide his kingdom among his three daughters because he has become too old to rule. Therefore, he asked each one to express her love to him.
The two daughters (Goneril and Regan) chose very passionate and poetic terms to flatter their father which reflect how hypocritical they are. They said: "Sir. I love you more than words can wield the matter; Dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty; Beyond what can be valued, rich or rare; No less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honour."
The most horrible moment occurred when it was the third daughter Cordelia's turn to speak. But Lear was shocked when Cordelia has not said what he expects from her as his most beloved and dearest child. She said that she loves him as any dutiful daughter should love her father: "…I love your majesty. According to my bond; nor more nor less… You have begot me, bred me; I return those duties back as are right fit. Obey you, love you, and most honor you."
She is very realistic in her expression. But her father is too emotional and rash to get her point; he misunderstood her considering. Consequently King Lear gave his land to the first and second daughter. But he did not give his land to the third daughter. After that, King Lear retired and visited his first daughter. But the first daughter insulted his father and repelled him out of her country.
Shakespeare told very famous words in his works. For example, he told this famous word, "To be, or not to be, that is the question." Likewise Shakespeare told this famous word in King Lear; "Ingratitude, though marble-hearted fiend, More hideous when thou showe'st thee in a child. Than the sea-monster!"
We can apply this word not only to our fleshly parent but also to our spiritual parent Father God. If you thank your parent, you are good children. Likewise if you are thankful to God, you are good believers. Let's check your belief. If you always thank God, your belief is in good condition. But if you always grumble, your belief is not in good condition.
We have lots of things to thank God. But people hardly thank God. Why? Because they only focus on the things to grumble. But we can see some people who thank God even if they are not in good circumstances. We have to remember; If we do not thank God, blessings do not follow us. But if we thank God even if in hard time, blessings follow us, so that we can really thank God with our heart. Today we want to thank God for these three reasons.
1. Let's thank God, for my life has not been done according to my will.
Usually people thank God when their will be done as they want. But this kind of thank is common. Today we want to thank God even if our life has not been done according to my will. Think if your life had been done according to your will. Maybe you would be more famous, richer, higher and busier than now. But you would be worse man than now.
Think! your husband makes big money. He helps you in the kitchen and everywhere. Your children are good in studying. You have nice house and nice car, good in health, no problem at all, so happy, very satisfied. Then you will be arrogant before man and God. Therefore some problems are good for us to have good character.
When I was young, I prayed, "God, let me be the president of Korea." But God have not made me the president of Korea but a pastor. I think if I were the president, I would not be happier than now. That is, God's will is better than my will. I think your life is same like me. So let's thank God, for our life has not been done according to my will.
2. Let's thank God, for we have had hardships.
Paul confessed, "I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me."(1 Corinthians 15:10) Likewise our hard works and hardships are the grace of God. Sometimes we have loss because we are Christians. We do not go to the bar for drinking with our company friends because we are Christian. Sometimes they hate and persecute us.
But that is blessings to us. We have to thank God in this hard circumstances. God comes nearer to us when we are in hard life. And we can come nearer to God when we are in hardships. So Psalmist said, "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees."(Psalms 119:71)
There is a lady named Ji Sun Lee. She had third degree burn when she was a college student. Even her beautiful face was severely damaged. But she has overcame the hardship and thank God. People like her. People love her. One day she asked the people, "Why do you love me so much?" They replied, "You are our hope. We remember you when we are in hardships and we can get courage from you. Hearing this, she thanked God for her hardships.
Brothers and sisters, do you think you have hardships in this foreign land? Do you feel complaining toward God for your hardships? Please think your future, not now. Your past and present hardships will be benefit to you in the future. So let's thank God for our past hardships and present hardships and even future hardships.
3. Let's thank God, for we have opportunity to serve.
We serve for the church, for the family, for the society.... We thank God because we have had opportunities to serve. If not, our talent would be useless. When we serve, we can have joy. When we serve, we can taste the kingdom of heaven.
Think of ourselves. We are so selfish.(?) But God holds us and gives us opportunity to serve. Now we are so busy to serve. That blocks us not to go to the world for the worldly pleasure. By this service, we can get joy and blessing. It is really thankful that we serve in the house of God.
We serve in various ways in the church. Some members serve with cooking, some with child care, some with cleaning, some as Sunday school teachers, some as the choir members.... Serving is no complaining work but thankful work.
Let me make the conclusion of my sermon. There are three kind of thanks. 1. 'If' thank 2. 'Because of' thank 3. 'In spite of' thank. What kind of thank do want to have? Let's thank God in spite of hardships, in spite of being done not according to my will, in spite of serving. 'In spite of' thank makes us happy, and glorifies God. Today's scripture says, "He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."(Psalms 50:23)