More important thing


More important thing
Luke 14:15-24
When I was a child, when someone was getting married or celebrating their 60th birthday, the whole village would have a feast. At that time, even beggars could come to the party and have enough food. Nobody blocked them from coming. People were very generous back then. They did not send out invitation cards. Nor did they check the attendance.
During the feast, there was more than enough food for the whole village. And back then, no matter how bad your relationship was with someone, you would go to the feast and congratulate them and celebrate together. It was like a natural duty to do so. When you think about it, our feast culture and traditions were evangelical. Everyone and anyone could come to the feast with absolutely no limitations.
However, the Jewish culture was a bit different. They would send out invitation cards in advance and receive an answer from their guests. Also, they would choose the exact date but not the time. Instead, the servants were told to bring the guests when the feast was ready to start. If the guests that were supposed to show up did not, it was a humiliation to the owner. Likewise, in today's scripture, we will take a look at a scene of a feast and learn what is important to Jesus.
A man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. But at the time of the banquet, when he sent his servants to bring those who have been invited, all of them made excuses not to attend. We can see their excuses in the verses we read today. Even though these excuses were written 2000 years ago, you can probably tell that it is not much different from the excuses people use today.
The first said, "I must go take a look at the field I have just bought. Please excuse me." As you know, a field is very important for our living. We all feel the need to have our own sense of field where we can plant our seeds and reap it. Whether your field is at home or a business, we all feel the importance of a place where we can work in. When people cannot find a place to work in, they feel uneasy and nervous.
Another said, "I have just bought some oxen, and I'm on my way to test them out. Please excuse me." Oxen are important for our living as well. Men are the animals who can use tools. And with these tools, humans have always found ways to make living easier. Some examples are hoe, mortar, carrying rack, telephone, car, computer, etc... Humans have started out with such tools that can be seen and advanced to tools that cannot be even seen.
At that time, oxen was a very important tool. If a big field was needed to work in, oxen were needed to do the actual work. As people's field expand, it requires more tools to work in. Just like we need a car to travel and a plane for an even longer journey. We cannot ignore these tools. Therefore buying oxen, and testing them, and working to get better tools is an important part of people's lives.
Another said, "I just got married, so I can't go." Unlike the other two people, this man did not seem sorry one bit. Yes of course, marriage is one of the greatest joys to celebrate. Especially at that time, Jewish people thought marriage was the most joyful and important time in one's life. Enough to exempt the groom from serving in the army for an year.
Once people have their own fields and tools, they want to find ways to enjoy life. Such as finding a hobby.(exercising, seeing movies, traveling etc...) Sometimes, the amount of time spent on these represent ones level of richness and freedom. Therefore some feel that this leads to social status.
Wether it is a field to work in, tools to work with, or a marriage to celebrate, all of these are important. It is definitely not something to feel guilty about. Everyone has something they need. But what is the scripture trying to tell us today? It is telling us that people sacrifice more valuable things to earn these. They do not accept God’s invitation to an eternal life. That’s right. To them, visible things on earth were more important than the invisible things from God. They chose momentary happiness over eternal happiness, flesh than spirit, living on earth than living in the kingdom of heaven, From today's scripture, we can realize that even if we know that heaven is the most awarding thing we need to work towards, it is hard to actually live that way.
It is the same with people today. They turn away from God to achieve what they believe will bring them happiness. They give up the precious spot in heaven. Today, there are many who live in fancy homes filled with what they want but the problem is they sell their soul for these. And to these people heaven and eternity is secondary. In other words, they are not concerned about heaven. Their only interest is focused on worldly pleasures. They do everything they possibly can to achieve these but nothing to earn the most important heaven and eternity.
We know well what kind of fate is ahead of them. They are constantly suffering from dissatisfaction, feelings of emptiness, fear, and hopelessness. And despite the fact that they are constantly searching for worldly pleasures, they are becoming more and more dissatisfied. Actually, the reason that we wake up every morning and work hard towards something is for these three reasons.
But think about it. Don’t you think it is important to earn a place in heaven even if you have to sacrifice everything in this world? Don’t you think a criminal with a death sentence needs to find a way to live than trying to earn a new house, car and worldly pleasures.
Listen to the servants speak today. “Come. Everything is ready.” When God invites us, he makes sure everything is ready. Moreover, the servants say later on, “There are more space available than needed.” This means that there is still room for us.
However, when Jesus came to take us to his feast, the Jews refused. So this is what Jesus said, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."(Matthew 23:37)
Everything told today happened 2000 years ago. But Jesus is still heartbroken. The past is showing no improvement. Instead, people's love for the field and tools have become greater and their souls are becoming polluted more than ever. We must change and find what is most important.
God is still inviting us today. He is waiting for us with everything perfectly ready. And it is the day of the feast. The servants have come to get us. What will you do? "I am sorry. I don't think I can make it. I must go to my field, buy oxen, and get married" Is this your answer? Let us remember, when we don't accept heaven at the time we need to, we cannot earn it later on.
Therefore, I hope you live towards what is most valuable. I hope you accept God's invitation and not choose what is momentary than eternal. Stop lingering around the front door of heaven. Walk in with confidence. I truly hope you enjoy the feast that has been prepared for you in the name of Jesus.