From nothing to something!


From nothing to something
Romans 4:17
Nowadays life science is in big progress. Life scientists say they can make human beings through a cell. They can copy even humans. It is a really big danger of breaking human dignity. An arrogant life scientist challenged God, "God, let's have a match for making humans." God smiled and said, "Okay." First God used ground dust to make human being. God created Adam and Eve.
The arrogant life scientist laughed at God's work, "Oh, how terrible!" The life scientist took a ground dust to make a human being." Then God said to him, "Why are you using my ground dust. It's unfair. Use yours." The life scientist was so embarrassed. He realized he brought nothing when he was born. Dust, iron, stone, even cell were created by God. People are so arrogant even when they use God's without pay.
Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." That is our God is not a created god but Creator God. Our God is the God of power who has created something from nothing, not something from something. When there was nothing in the world, when the earth was empty, God created light, sky, land, the Sun, the Moon, stars, all kinds of trees and all kinds of animals.
God fed Israelites with manna for 40 years in the wilderness where there was no food. He sent lots of quails to Israelites so that they even loathed it. He made the rock gush out with water. That is our God is Creator who are able to make something from nothing.
And Jesus made hope for those who had no hope at all. He gave comfort and courage to those who were in sorrow and agony. He has the power of creation so that he could fed five thousand people in the wilderness Bethsaida. And Holy Spirit who had descended on the Pentecost gave courage to the early church members who were in worry and fear. And He is still doing the work of creation for us.
Many say, "I have nothing. I can not do it. It's too hard to do. I am hopeless." They fall into the deep marsh of frustration by themselves. And they lead their family and even church to despair. But think it deeply. When we were born, who was the person who grasped 1 dollar in his hand? This means our life starts with nothing.
If it is hopeless because I was born with nothing, all men on the earth will be hopeless. But there were the creative men who made something from nothing so that there are still hope in the world. Germany and Japan were defeated nations in the World War. But they have risen again because there were the creative leaders who made hope from despair, victory from defeat, something from nothing.
Let's see the situation of Korea after Korean War. All things were destructed. People were captured by despair. But we have created the miracle of Han River because there were the creative persons who shouted 'hope'. In 2 King 7, we can see the true. Samaria the capital city of Israel was besieged by Arameans. So there was a great famine in the city. They could not buy a sack of flour with even ten thousand dollars.
How terrible famine it was! They even killed and ate up their son. All of the people including King were captured by despair. But Elisha the servant of God cried for a great hope. "About this time tomorrow a sack of flour will sell for one dollar." Then the commander in chief said to Elisha, "Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heaven, could this happen?"
Elisha answered, "You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it." God did not use the hopeless soldiers (scholars, leaders, King) to solve this problem. He used four men with leprosy who had hope. They said, "Let's go over to the Arameans. It they spare us, we live ; if they kill us, then we die." Then they marched to the camp of the Arameans with hope.
When they reached there, not a man was there, for the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army so they fled and abandoned their horses, donkeys and military foods. Just like the prophecy of Elisha, a sack of flour sold for a dollar in Samaria city. The miracle happened, for there were Elisha and four men with leprosy who expected hope and the power of God that make something from nothing.
Let's see the story of Israelites who have just came out of Egypt. There were the Red Sea before them, and Egyptian Army behind them. But they had no ship, nor raft, nor bridge around there to cross over. But God divided the Red Sea and made a highway in it. Don't you think there were lots of fresh fish on the road in the Red Sea? No bridge, no ship, no raft made Israelites expect the power of God. And it became thanksgiving and praise to god. Furthermore, it became a good opportunity for them to eat the fresh fish!
This lesson tells us : The human despair is the God's hope, the human nothing means God's something. Brothers and sisters, Has your situation become worse? Do you think you don't have enough money for it? Do you think you are powerless? Don't be worried about that. But believe God!
The thanksgiving season reminds us of the story of the Puritans who sought for the freedom of religion. During the long voyage many died, and their children died of indigenous diseases. However they could give the fruits of thanks to God because they had the pioneer spirit that make something from nothing.
I am a pioneering pastor. When I came here to Calgary, no one came to the airport to meet me. I didn't have any relative nor friend in Calgary. At that time we didn't have any sanctuary, nor cross, nor podium, nor church sign. But I had pioneer spirit.
At that time I said to myself, "Now I have nothing but God will prepare one by one." Because I believed He is the Creator God. Of course, creation is not easy. It sometimes requires us to face a lot of dangers and despair. But even if there were big problems and despair we overcame them. And God has set our church and gathered his people here in Calgary Central Full Gospel Church where have podium, sound facilities, kitchen, gym etc... Now God wants new creation. He want to fill up here with his people who love him fervently. He want to use us in this work. He want to create something by using you and me who have the pioneer spirit.
Therefore, brothers and sisters, let's have the pioneer spirit! Let's create something from nothing with God! If we desert the pioneer spirit, it is same as we desert the Creator God, and it is same as we put out the Spirit's fire, and blaspheme Jesus of resurrection. Brothers and sisters, do you believe God and his creation? And do you believe He is alive and He will create something for his own glory? Then I ask you to look up to God who are able to make something from nothing! And Let's march forward with God!