Trust in God, trust also in me


John 14:1 Trust in God, trust also in me
When we worry about out business, health and various kinds of problems, Jesus says to us, "Don't worry. Trust in God, trust also in me." "Lord, if we trust in you, does something good happen to us ? If it does, how thankful it is !" At this moment Lord says to us, "You of little faith ! Trust in me and expect my power. If you believe in me, you will see the miracles."
"Amen, Lord, I believe in you." If you say like this, and if you have faith, joy and hope forever, how nice it is ! But most of the people easily forget the power of the Lord and they worry again and again. Brothers and sisters, aren't you the person who easily forget the promises of the Lord and worry again.
Jesus said to us, "Do not worry about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear. Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith ? So do not worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own."(Matt 6:25-34)
Not a long ago, we Koreans lacked foods, and we worried about what to eat. At that time, if someone was not hungry, he was the comparatively happy man. But nowadays we Koreans do not worry about foods. Today's condition is much more thankful than before. But why do you worry again ? Do you worry that the steak is too tough ? Your present life is more luxurious and comfortable than the life of the kings of Chosun dynasty. You are richer than the most of the African people.
Therefore you have to be joyful and thankful. But why do you worry ? Is it your destiny ? Maybe you have too much time, and you have too much foods, so you worry, aren't you ? You know very well that worries do not solve your problems but cause you to be unhappy and stressful. But you worry. Why ? It is because you do not trust in Jesus. But today Jesus says to us, "Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me."
When the Israelites had no food in the desert, God gave them manna for 40 years. Do you believe that ? When the Israelites wanted to eat meat in the desert, God fed them with the meat of quail for a whole month until they loathed it. Do you believe that ? God gave them water in the desert. God divided the Red Sea and hurled the Egyptians army into the Red Sea. And God is alive now. He takes care of us. He helps us and provides us with good things, so that we can live in this foreign land. Do you believe this ?
I am sure that you believe. And you also believe in Jesus who fed 5000 men with five small barley loves and two small fish, who turned water into wine, who healed the sick and gave life to the dead persons. Jesus is alive. He works for us. He heals us. He helps us. Do you believe this ? If you do, you don't need to worry. Worrying is the act of unbelief in God, and the act of hurting the pride of God.
Brothers and sisters, we cannot do everything by ourselves. But all things are possible with God. If you believe this, your future is hope, blessing and happiness. And Jesus says to you, "It will be done just as you believed."(Matt 8:13) "Your faith has healed you."(Matt 10:52)
Brothers and sisters, do you want blessing, healing and grace of God ? Believe in God. God is the God of the man who believe. God gives his grace to the man who believe. Bible says, "My righteous one will live by faith."(Heb 10:38) "Have faith in the Lord your God and you will be upheld."(2 Chr 20:20)
"So keep up your courage, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me."(Acts 27:25) "Jesus said to her. 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this ?"(John 11:25-26) "If you believe, you will see the glory of God."(John 11:40)
My beloved, do not worry. Worries destruct you and your family and the church. We have not come here in order to worry about. God has not sent us here to make us worry about, but to give us faith. By faith in God, we can receive help, peace and blessing from. And by faith in Jesus we can beautify the church. And His name is glorified by our faith. Amen !