Witnesses say


Witnesses say
Hebrews 12:1-2
I think our church members are so good. They do not criticize me but obey me even if I have lots of faults as a senior pastor. This proves our church members are very good. I always thank God about this "God, thank you very much, for you have allowed me to enjoy the happiness with this nice members. Let's say each other, "You are so good(husband, wife, daughter, son, daddy, mommy...)."
I also want to be praised by you. Would you say to me like this, "You are so good pastor." Thank you very much. You and I have received God's words with good heart in 2010. I have preached about 156 times a year for Sunday service, Wednesday service and Friday service. How many times have you joined? Next year I will give you the personal attendance card. Please, check it and put it in the offering box at the last day of the year. I will give you a big award.
I have thought of my last sermons in 2010. Do you remember that? Hard to remember, Right? Me too. But I remember a word. That is 'witnesses'. We have come here Calgary to bear witness to God's words. We have done our best this year as the witnesses. We strongly want to do this next year on and on. Today's scripture says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses."(Hebrews 12:1) The witnesses encourage each others and say like this ;
1. Let us throw off everything that hinders.
We sometimes compare life with a race. Judge is God. Runners are all of us. We have to run the race with good start and good end. There is no runner who run the race with heavy jacket on. The runner has to make his body as light as possible. Sometimes runner should shave his hairs.
What do you feel heavy in this foreign land? Do you feel heavy in studying, or making money? Do you have bad relationship with others? If you feel heavy in your heart, you can't run fast, you can't bear witness. Why don't you throw off your heavy burdens? Jesus told us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."(Matthew 11:28)
2. Let us throw off the sin that so easily entangles.
When I was in the army, we had a speed skating match in the division. I was a dominant skater and coach for my battalion. But I drank too much in the night just before the match day. On the match day, I tried to do my best, but my spirit is willing, but the body is weak. It was because I drank too much. After all, our team failed because of me. I was rebuked by the battalion leader.
My brothers and sisters, if you drink on Saturday, you will feel hard to come to the church on the Sunday. If you love your computer too much on Saturday, you will feel so tired that you can't come to the church. If you are entangled by the sins, you can't be witness who say to others, "Believe in Jesus. Come on to our church." I ask you to throw off the sin that so easily entangles.
3. Let us run the race with perseverance.
The runner has to finish the race. Or not he is loser. If you believe in Jesus well first, but betray him last, you will be like Judas Iscariot. First is important, but the last is more important. First marriage life is important, but the latter and the end is more important. We need perseverance in order to have good end.
Good fruits come from perseverance. I was really impressed by the scripture John 19:30. It says, "When he had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." Jesus finished his race to the end. He endured the thirst and cross. He saved the robber on the right side of the cross. And then he shouted, "It is finished."
We also has to finish our witness' work to the end. And we has to shout like Jesus, "Lord, it is finished." When we were high school students, we attached the word on the wall of the study room, "Patience is bitter, but his fruits are sweet." Bible also says, "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."(James 1:4) I pray that you will finish the race to the end with perseverance.
4. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.
Drunkards always put their eyes on liquors. Gamblers put their eyes on gambling. Good students put their eyes on the books. But bad students always put their eyes on her(him), on computer games, on bad internet sites. What do we put our eyes on? Yes, on Jesus. Today's scripture says, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith."
Let's fix our eyes on Jesus. He endured the cross and shame. Is here anyone are entangled by sins? Please look at Jesus. He has already freed us from sins. Is here anyone who doubt the love of God? Look at Jesus. He died on the cross so that he proved God's love toward us.
Is here any lonely person? Look at Jesus. He understands your loneliness. And he will change your sadness to joy. Is here anyone who are heart broken? Look at Jesus. He will comfort you. He will give you peace, hope. He will be with you forever.
My beloved witnesses, Let's fix our eyes on Jesus. The witnesses who are now in the kingdom of heaven are looking at us. They encourages us. "Be strong. Be strong. Lord is touching your hands. If you believe that Jesus is with you, you can overcome any trials." Amen