Your dream is accomplished even like this.


Gen 37:5-11 Your dream is accomplished even like this.
Let me ask you a question. "What is your dream(vision, plan, goal) ? Vision is very important for you to live a hopeful life. Some of you have plan to learn English in Canada. But learning English also depends on your vision. I am sure that you are trying to accomplish your dream in this foreign country. But before you have dream, you have to check whether your dream has come from God or from yourselves.
Think. Our dream have changed many times from our childhood. I hope that your dream is just what God wants. And I hope you to ask God, "God, what do you want me to do ?" And I hope you to follow God's dream toward you. Jesus says, "I am the vine ; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit ; apart from me you can do nothing."(John 15:7) It means ; without Jesus we cannot accomplish our dream, and we cannot be happy.
Let's see Joseph who had dreams from God. One day he had a dream that his sheaf rose and stood upright, while his brothers' sheaves gathered around his sheaf and bowed down to it. And the other day, he had another dream that the sun and moon and eleven stars bowed down to him. But think. How was the dream of Joseph accomplished ? We may think that his dream was easily accomplished because his dream was from God. But the bible does not say like that.
Joseph was kidnapped by his elder brothers. and he was sold as a slave. He was imprisoned for many years because of the false accusation. At that time his dream looked never to be accomplished. But the miracle of God happened. Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt. And his dream was accomplished. Brothers and sisters, your dream is not accomplished by your own way but by God's way. Why ? It's because God wants you to make the faithful and humble persons.
When I was 26 years old years old, I received a dream from God. I was very happy whenever I remembered the dream. At that time I thought that my dream comes true without any difficulties. But now I have realized that there is God's way for my dream to be accomplished
Brothers and sisters, do not be dejected because your dream has not been accomplished by your own way and at your own time. God is using his way and his time for your dream. Do not doubt God's promise. God says in the bible, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." And so after waiting patiently Abraham received what was promised."(Heb 6:14-15) Amen !