What do we live for ?


1 Cor 10:31 Why do we live for ?
There is very important question to every person. That is, "Where am I from ? What do I live for ? Where do I go after death ?" Bible gives us the clear answer. "We were from God. We will go to God." We humans were not from amoebas or from monkeys. God made us in his image. Our root is God. And someday we will return to God. Our bodies will return to the ground, since from it we were taken. And our spirits will return to God, since our spirits came from God.
When do we return ? Not a long time but a short term. Amen ? It is better for us to return to the kingdom of God than to live in this earthly world. Amen ? And the important question is "What do we live for when we are in this world ?" Some may say, "I live for my happiness." Some others may say, "I live for others, for my nation, for the happiness of humankind." I am sure the answer "I live for others." is better than the answer "I live for myself." But there is more beautiful answer. That is, "I live for the glory of God."
If there are full of selfish persons in this world who answer "I live for myself.", this world will be worse and worse. If a husband lives for only himself, and if a wife lives for only herself, their home will be desolate. It is same in the church. If you come to the church to serve others, the church will be beautiful. But if you come to the church to be served by others, the church will be desolate like desert.
But think of this. If a husband lives for only his wife, maybe his wife is happy. But if someone hurts his wife, the husband will fight even against God., and he will follow his wife even though his wife is wrong. And think of this. Mothers have motherly love for their children. But if a mother loves only her child, and if someone rebukes or hurts her child, the mother will be in danger of being tempted.
It is same in the case of nations. Nowadays United States is being criticized by other countries. Why ? It is because they think only for their nation and for their people. I hope that people abandon their selfish and narrow thinking and have wide and self-sacrificing thinking.
Bible tells, "In the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure rather than lover of God." (2 Tim 3:1-5) It means ; people will be selfish in the last days. They study for only themselves, not for the prosperity of mankind. They run their business for only themselves, not for others. They believe in God for only themselves, not for the glory of God.
They immigrate into Canada for only their own happiness. People say, "Immigrants' society and immigrants' church are not easy but very hard." Why do they say ? Isn't it because they live for only themselves, not for others, not for the glory of God. But if they live for others, and for the glory of God, the society and the church will be more beautiful. And the benefit will be theirs.
Brothers and sisters, why do you live for ? Maybe poor people will say, "I live for bread." Decades ago Koreans immigrated into other countries for bread. But nowadays Koreans do not immigrate because of bread but because of better life such as good education and good environment.
But how about ? If you are enjoying these good things in Canada, are you satisfied ? Of course, thankful attitude and being satisfied is better than complaining attitude. But if you are satisfied with only these things, you are not better than the cows in the field in Alberta. The cows do not worry about bread, not about house, nor about education for their calves. They have always good pasture and fodder and fresh air. They do not work like the Korean oxen in the old times.
But the humans in bad environment are better than the animals in good environment because the purpose of life is different. If you have interest only in eating and drinking, your life is worse than the life of the oxen in Alberta. But humans are better than animals because the purpose of their life is to glorify God.
The purpose of going to church is for the glory of God. The purpose of praising and praying is also for the glory of God. And the purpose of immigrating into Canada is for the glory of God. Today's scripture says, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
We have come here Canada for the glory of God. We run our business for the glory of God. We study for the glory of God. That's why we can endure all of the difficulties in this foreign country. The pitiest and poorest person is not the man lacks of bread or loses his health but the man who loses the purpose of his life. Early church Christians lived in the dark cave because of persecution but they had happiness because they had the purpose of their life, which is for the glory of God.
Let's see Jesus' life. Why he immigrated into earth from heaven ? Is it for the better life in good environment ? If so, Jesus would have come to the present Canada, not to Israel 2000 years ago. But his purpose was not to make a lot of money but to glorify God. That's why Jesus died on the cross according to God's glory. He could be satisfied on the cross even though the length of his life was 33 years short. Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
Brothers and sisters, don't forget. The starting point and terminal for our life is obviously God. Someday we have to return to God. And we have to answer to this question "Why do we live for ?" Bible answers, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Amen !