캘거리 인구통계


City Demographics
■Population: 1,149,552■Total
dwellings: 468,358■Under construction: 8,050■Percentage of home
ownership: 68.50%■Vacancy rate: 2.59%■Fastest growing community:
Evanston (1,680 additional residents)■Largest ward: Ward 5■Largest
community: Panorama Hills■Population during the last election in 2010:
1,071,515■High school diploma or equivalent: 243,310*■Post-secondary
certificate, diploma or degree: 494,675*■Average income (2010):
$56,600*■Average household total income (2010): $113,152**Released
on Sept. 11, 2013, in Statistics Canada's National Household Survey. Information
also from 2013 City of Calgary Census.