According to your faith will it be done to you


Matt 9:27-31 According to your faith will it be done to you
As Jesus went on, two blind men followed him, calling out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David !" But Jesus did not answer immediately but went indoors. But the blind men pursued him. Then Jesus asked them, "Do you believe that I am able to do this ?" "Yes, Lord." they replied firmly. Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you." And their sight was restored at once. Hallelujah !
Today I want to share the wonderful faith that brought blessing and miracle to the blind men. In today's scripture Jesus did not say to them, "Oh, how pitiful you are ! Come on. I will heal you immediately." But he checked their faith with this question, "Do you believe that I am able to do this ?"
Brothers and sisters, people come to Jesus with their desires like these two blind men. But most of them do not come to Jesus with the strong conviction like these blind men. They only come to Jesus with a vague expectation just as they buy 649 lottery. But we have to come to Jesus with the strong conviction, not with the vague expectation. "If I come to Jesus, I will be healed. My life will be changed from failure to success, from unhappiness to happiness, from darkness to light. Nothing is impossible with Jesus."
The two blind men heard about Jesus who had healed a crippled man, a paralytic, and gave life to the dead girl. So they came to Jesus with 100 % faith, "If we come to Jesus, our sight will be restored." And by their 100 % faith, their sight was restored.
Brothers and sisters, we always recite the Apostles' Creed in every worship service, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heavens and earth." But why don't you check whether you confess it with faith or with formalism ? If Jesus asks you, "Do you believe that I am able to do this ?", how do you answer ?
If you answer, "Well, I believe that in the bible. But I don't believe that in reality. Furthermore this is the foreign land. Therefore even Jesus cannot do that.", Jesus will be highly regrettable. But if you answer like the two blind men, "Yes, Lord, I believe.", Jesus will say to you, "According to your faith will it be done to you."
A long ago there was a famous tightrope walker in Korea. He walked on a tightrope several times before the audience. And he came to a boy and asked, "Do you believe that I am able to walk on the tightrope with you ?" He said firmly, "Yes, I do." So the rope walker said to him, "Let's do that with me right now." Then the boy said, "No, I don't."
This boy believed the talent of the rope walker. But he did not commit himself to the rope walker. Brothers and sisters, consider that your faith is like the faith of the boy. Faith is not the knowledge about Jesus but the act of committing himself to Jesus. But people acknowledge God's power with their lips, but they do not commit themselves to God. They believe that Jesus healed the sick in the past, Jesus will heal in the future. But they do not believe that Jesus heals themselves at the present days.
We have to repent this kind of unbelief. Unbelief blocks us to experience the miracles and power of God. Jesus also did not do many miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith."(Matt 13:58)
Let me tell you a story that I read it in the 'Reader's Digest'. A beautiful girl Cheryl Prewiff became crippled because of the car accident. So her left leg was two inch shorter than her right leg. One day she attended a revival meeting in Jackson City. She prayed earnestly God to heal her leg. And she felt her leg grow. So she tried to walk. Then a miracle happened. Her left leg became same as the right leg. And later she was elected as the 52nd Miss America. She sang to the Lord, "Who could heal me except the Lord ?"
My beloved, Jesus asks us, "Do you believe that I am able to do this ?" If we answer, "Yes, Lord.", then Jesus says to us, "According to your faith will it be done to you." Amen !